The Ending

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~Chapter Eighteen~

Zack's P.O.V

After running over to the tree, stopping a couple feet from the dog, it turns around and sees me. It's eyes widening.

"Oh yeah," I nodded to him. "Remember me, buddy? I was the one two and a half years ago who shot your sorry butt more then five times with an air-soft gun cuz you had tried to kill a poor lost puppy. Which I'm happy to say is living happily at our neighbors house," I said. "Oh yeah, and if you don't stop with your crap, I'll shoot you with my air-soft... again!" I tell the dog, who's eyes were wide and mouth was hanging open.

I take a step toward it, stomping my foot to the ground, then the dog took off running down the street.

I smirked, triumphantly as I looked up, seeing Skylar in the tree, just hanging out.

"Hey." She greeted me.

"Hey there, Gorgeous." I smile.

"Zack..." She said, quietly.

"Yeah?" I ask her.

"I can't get down..." She replies.

"What do you mean-"

"I'm terrified of heights... And I don't want to climb down because I'm afraid I'll fall." She tells me, timidly.

My eyes soften and I sigh.

"Skylar... Remember what I promised you at the skatepark when you told me that you were afraid that you'd fall off?" I ask her, softly.

"Well... Yeah..." She replied, shyly.

"Good, because I promise you on my own dang life that if you fall then I will catch you." I tell her, sternly.

She looks down at me then quickly back up at the sky.

"Come on, Gorgeous. You can climb down. I know you can." I said, trying to encourage her as I walked closer to the tree.

"O-Ok..." She stutters, nervously, as she stepped down on a branch below her, and slowly, and I mean SLOWLY started making her way down the tree.

She reminds me so much of a snail it was almost unreal.

She got down at the last bottom branch and she was just sitting there, looking down at the ground instead of jumping off.


"Shut. Up. I'm still scared." She sends me a threatening glare.

I walk up to her and reach out my arms.

"Jump down." I told her, then she starting shaking her head.

"Skylar! Jump down!" I tell her, giving her a stern look.

She bites her bottom lip, closes her eyes, then let's herself fall off the branch and into my arms.

I wrap my arms tightly around her as I braced myself for impact and fell backwards and hit the ground.

I knew that was gonna happen.

"You ok, Gorgeous?" I ask her softly, seeing that her eyes are still shut.

I sigh.

"Skylar, we're on the ground, it's ok." I chuckle.

She slowly opens her eyes, looking around, then back at me, and all of a sudden her cheeks turn red as a tomato, noticing that she's on top of me.

"Uh-um-I-" She tries to talk but just ends up babbling nonsense.

As she got up off of me, I stood up with her.

~Gamers Romance~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang