Chapter 2: Doctors Visit

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     It's been a week since the terrifying event happened and I've tried my best to just forget about it. It's Friday now and it's been the longest week in my life.. The world continues on without me curled up in my room, and I need money and food, so I went back to work and school. I go to my vet classes every other day and work the rest of the time pretending nothing happened. Luckily today was one of the good days because I've been so busy there has been no time to think. Patients have been stopping in every minute with broken bones to colds, and I have been running around all day, but now as I watch the clock pass a quarter past eight, I can't hide at work any longer. I look up from my watch to see my friend Trey organizing some tools.

     Getting up and stretching I wave to him, " I'm gonna head home, you sure you're fine locking up"? He turns to look at me over his shoulder.

     "Again, I'm fine, go home and get some rest. You look dead on your feet since that party on Saturday." He laughs, waving back. I chuckle awkwardly and nod, bending down to grab my stuff. As I head out the door, the nervous chill that has been following me everywhere returns. Reaching into my purse, I grasp the pepper spray I have in there, starting to walk home. The closer I get to my apartment, the worse the chill grows and when I open the front door I know something is wrong. I faintly hear Ms. Davis, the clerk, saying hey, but I'm too nervous to respond. I creep up the stairs slowly trying to breathe, and when I finally get to my room I stay in the hallway for a moment.

     "You're fine, stop being so nervous." I mutter out.

     "He might not even return for his coat, he probably has many others." I think of the coat stuffed in the corner of my closet. Finally mustering up enough courage, I open the door and head into my room, but I wish I didn't. Standing in the middle of my room, back towards me, is the Joker. Screaming in fright I turn quickly to the still open door dropping my purse in the process. Right as my foot steps into the hallway, I'm grabbed around the waist and yanked into a chest, the door slamming in my face

     "Heya Alex." He sneers. I kick and struggle trying to get away as he wraps a hand around my mouth and carries me to the couch. Letting out a muffled grunt as he collapses on top of me on the couch, I start to cry. He lets go of my mouth and pushes my face into the couch with a hand on the back of my head as he straightens up to sit on my back, straddling me. I whine in pain as his weight crushes me into the cushions, flinching when he starts to talk.

     "At-ta-ta, let uh calm down." He says as I see a glint in the corner of my eye. I cry harder, trying to breathe as I feel a knife running along my cheek.

     "Sadly, this isn't ah friendly vis-it. I'm in need of a-uh checkup Doc." He Says through clenched teeth. At that I pause my fighting and crying, confused.

     "H-how did you know I wa-".

    "Ah-ah-ah, no questions now." He cuts me off, pushing my face further into the couch.

     "So-uh will ya help me out Doc, or I could just find your first aid and do it myself but you won't live if I do that. C'mon I'm uh runnin out of time." He snaps leaning closer to my face. I pause for a second, but finally nod as best I can.

     "Great!' he shouts, his arms flying up while he closes the knife. He then grabs my shoulders, sits up, and flips me over on my back. I huff when he lands back on top of me and I finally see his vest covered in blood.

     "So, uh, what made ya want to help poor ol' me Doc." He asks. I look into his eyes and am surprised to see genuine curiosity.

     "Um well, I." I breathlessly start. He tilts his head at this, waving his hand in a 'continue' motion.

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