Chapter 20: Bonding

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     I could barely breathe when I woke up. The heat around me was unbearable. I tried to move    away, but two tightening arms stopped me and pulled me closer to what seemed like a fire. Huffing softly, I opened my eyes and squinted at the sudden light, turning my head slightly to see the Joker. He was still asleep, mouth slightly parted and with each breath he took, I was crushed between him and his arms. Why do I always end up in these situations? As I watched him, I slowly remembered what happened yesterday with a wince. I believe that he isn't as mad anymore, but you never know with the Joker. With that thought in mind I let out a deep sigh and turned around again, closing my eyes.

     "Done looking already?" I heard a gruff voice ask playfully, causing my face to flush. The arms around me moved and rolled me on my other side facing Joker, who was looking at me with a smirk on his face. Joker circled his hand around my waist and cupped my backside, pulling me against him. I gasped and felt his chest against mine. Our noses were inches apart and each breath he took tickled my face.

     "Why are ya so red pet? Is it my charming good looks?" He snickered, his other hand coming up to caress the side of my face. I let out a small squeak and tried to scoot back to no avail. He chuckled deeply at my antics, and pulled me closer, putting his face in my hair and breathing in.

     "Y-your hot." I said quickly, trying to push him away.

     "Well thank ya. I didn't know ya felt that way, pet." Joker snickered, backing up some and looking at me.

     "No! T-that's not what I meant. Your body is hot." I stuttered, flushing deeper when his eyebrow rose, smirk still in place.

     "I mean your temperature. Like you're a furnace" I tried to explain, trailing off slowly in embarrassment. Joker threw his head back with a booming laugh, I just put my head down in mortification. As his laugh tapered off he looked at me humorously, his finger lifting my chin up to look at me. The corner of his lips lifted into that infamous, unforgettable, and infuriating smirk, and seconds before he kissed me, he paused to murmur praises that made my toes curl and face burst red.

     "Mmm, Good girl." His lips fell on mine just for a moment before he disappeared, getting out of bed. I layed there once again, feeling the same as when I was on the couch. What is with him and these random acts of...romance? I slowly sat up and got out of bed, watching as he walked around and did his morning routine.

     "I ordered some things for ya. They are in the kitchen now." Joker said, looking at me from the corner of his eye as he buttons up his shirt. I nod as I slowly walk over to his now extended hand. He snatches up my wrist and yanks me out of the room and into the kitchen as nervousness builds in the pit of my stomach. When we get there a huge box is sitting on the counter. Looking over to the Joker, I see a sly grin on his face as we stop at the counter. He whips out a pocket knife out of his pants, causing a rough flinch to run through me. I know what he can do with those and I really hope I'm not on the receiving end. Luckily he only cuts the tape on the box and opens the flaps, pulling me in front of him and trapping me against the counter with his arms. My back presses against his chest as he leans forward and tips the box over, spilling the contents. What the contents were however, made me gasp and back into his chest, cheeks bright red.

     "Surprise!" Joker chuckled as he grabbed one of the lingerie outfits.

     "Ain't green just so pretty." He teased as he held it in front of me. I let out a squeak as I looked around at the other things.

     "Wh-what is all of this?" I stuttered out, daring to push the outfit away. He just snickered and put it down.

    "Well, I got all the essentials. I got some fun dresses, some cute-ah outfits, and of course some other gizmos for me to use on ya." He explained, pointing at each one.

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