Chapter 23: Snap, Crackle, Pop

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"Enough!" A loud commanding voice boomed over the crowd. Barsad removed his gun and I slowly opened my eyes. Walking towards us was one of the most terrifying men I've ever seen. He was wearing big boots, cargo pants, and a hard Kevlar vest. I thought that Joker was tall, but this man was massive. Easily 7' and his muscle mass was something else. His hands looked like they could easily crush my spine and his upper arms could be the same width as my head. He was obviously in charge of everything around here, seeing how everyone went silent and looked at him in admiration and fear. The mask on his face added to his intimidation. You were unable to see his mouth or nose and the metal straps wrapped up and around his bald head. What did he look like underneath the mask? Was he permanently injured? What happened to him for him to have to wear the mask? My curiosity was almost as strong as my fear of him. This was Bane.

"We need the mouse here, Barsad. Who else would treat our men? She also was the winner here, so you shall not kill her today." Bane said, stopping just in front of me and the man I stabbed. Said man was begging and pleading for his life, trying to persuade the huge man that towered over him, but he wouldn't listen. Bane began staring at me, drilling into my soul with his gaze. It reminded me of Joker when he stared at me with the same expression on his face. Just as I did then, I tried not to wilt as shaking wracked my body. I was horribly aware of his powerful and dangerous aura rolling off him in waves. Slowly, but loudly breathing through his mask. I wished he couldn't see my shaking and goosebumps. I wished he couldn't see the tears starting to well up in my eyes. I wondered if I should stand up or remain seated on the floor. In the end, I lowered my head and curled in on myself.

"We have rules here, mouse. Ones you must follow, and this man is already dead for the crimes he committed against us." Bane's voice pierced my soul, making me feel weak, and not in control. Like a mouse in front of a lion. Bane kneeled down in front of me, his knees brushing my shoulder and causing me to flinch back. My wrists were roughly grabbed in one of his hands and yanked away from the man's wound. I could almost feel my bones shift in his punishing grip. The knife I abandoned was forced into my hands and I was yanked forward against Bane's legs until I was once again facing the man. Bane's arms repositioned around me so I was trapped between them, his hand holding my wrist as the other moved around and grasped my throat.

"This man shall die. It is your choice if you will do it or get punished." Bane's voice rumbled next to my ear, making me whimper. I tried to yank my wrists away, but his grip held strong.

"What is your choice?" He rumbled again. I let out a whine as his hand on my neck tightened. But, with all the strength I had left, I shook my head.

"I-I won't kill him." I hissed out, tears finally falling down my face. Before I could do anything, Bane tossed me to the side like a sack of potatoes. I landed with a whine and quickly dropped the knife in my hands. Looking back up at Bane, I see him lifting up the man by his throat as he struggles. With a quick clench of Bane's hand, a crack sounded and the man went limp in his hold before being dropped unceremoniously on the floor. I let out a small scream as the body fell beside me, scampering backward into Barsads legs. With a growl, he moved away from me.

"You did not follow our rules, mouse. However, you have already battled, so that leaves your punishment to me." Bane gruffly states as he starts coming toward me, like a bull toward a red flag, and it took all of my willpower not to throw up or shiver. I held my hands tightly to my body so that I could try and hide my trembling. When he was close enough for me to smell him, he grabbed my collar by placing two fingers between it and my neck and pulled roughly. I was yanked up to him as he began walking. Bane didn't give me a second glance, merely pulled on that collar like I was a dog. His fingers were searing hot, it was as if he actually burned my skin. I wondered if it was the rage that made him literally fired up, but this couldn't be humanly possible. It was strange to feel his hands on my skin after he just used them to kill yet another person in front of me. He manhandled me out of the arena and down some hallways. As I stumbled after him, I wanted to cry. Will he be like Joker? Will he be worse? I wanted to scream in fear and frustration, but he just continued walking down a flight of stairs and into a concrete room with waterfalls and railing on the left, and a small fire in the middle. There was a desk and bed in the corner as well as a dresser. Fear filled me further as I realized it was his room. He wasn't the least bit gentle as he pushed me toward his bed, letting go of my collar just in time so that I stumbled over my own feet, tripped, and landed heavily on his mattress. I turned around to face him, using my hands to support me to sit up at the edge of his bed. He was all fire and rage as he stared down at my small form. An inferno.

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