Chapter 17: Scars

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     I lay there, stunned, as I listen to Joker fumble around in the kitchen. I didn't know what to think, what to feel. Yes, that was the second time he kissed me, but this one wasn't painful or meant to punish. At least I didn't think so. Slowly sitting up, I look over the couch to find him walking back over, a bowl in hand. He sat back down, handing me the bowl filled with what I now know as ice cream. Before I could do much else, arms wrap around me and lift me on his lap. I tense up in surprise as anxiety coursed through me. What is he doing? I've never been this close to him without something going wrong, like that one time at the police station and bar. With my breaths coming out short, I was surprised when a spoon of chocolate ice cream appeared in front of my face. 

     "Eat." He asks while flicking through channels on the TV. I closed my mouth tightly and moved my head back. I didn't trust him not to poison it, but he seemed annoyed by that because I suddenly felt something warm and wet slide up my neck. I let out a yelp that was quickly muffled by the spoon being shoved in my mouth. I swallowed reflexively and coughed as the ice cream froze my throat. At least it was non-poisoned chocolate. When the second bite came, I took it quickly before he could lick me again. I heard a chuckle behind me but I tried to ignore it and focus on the movie. He put on a new one called Encanto. As we watched the movie, I continued to eat bites that were put in front of me while he played with my hair. I guess he was just going to ignore what happened just a couple of minutes ago, and I sure as hell wasn't gonna bring it up either. Trying to not fidget as he continued to play with my hair and the choker around my neck was difficult. Especially when his fingers trailed against my throat in a very possessive way, but I forced myself to zone out to the movie. As the minutes passed and the songs played from the TV, I was fighting to stay awake. But with a hand carding through my hair and the warmth surrounding me, I was slowly losing the battle. As I finally closed my eyes, a small thought about who I'm falling asleep on passed through my head, But it was too late.

     I was woken up to a clap of thunder. My head was jumbled and confused from sleep and I tried to roll around to my other side when a tired grunt stopped me. I quickly snapped my eyes open to come face to face with a white shirt. Another clap of thunder sounded, making me jump and turn my head towards a window behind me. I watched as rain pelted down on the glass, finally figuring out where I was. I guess he moved me to the bedroom, and he was here too. He told me that we were sharing a room, but I guess I tried to forget about it which was a mistake. I slowly tried to pry myself out of his arms so I could move over, but a third clap of thunder made me squeak and flinch back into him. Looking back up at him, I jolt when tried eyes met mine. I looked down again and curled into myself whispering out an apology.

     "Hush Alex, go back to sleep. You're fine." He mumbled out tiredly as he pulled me closer and pulled the blanket farther around us. I laid against his chest once again as he curls around me and falls back to sleep. Giving up finally, I tentatively grabbed onto his shirt and nestled my head into his chest. I fell back to sleep as the thunder became background noise to his deep breaths.

     When I woke up once again, It was because of the sun in my eyes. I guess the storm is over now, but the storm inside me had just begun. As I became more awake, I could feel the weight settled against my back as well as the arms wrapped around me. Joker's breath tickled the back of my neck and I shivered at the feeling. Laying in his arms, I couldn't help but feel anxious and calm at the same time. If Joker acted like this all the time, he wouldn't be half bad. However, that would never happen. Awkwardly stretching out my stiff legs and arms, I thought about moving or not. Before I could come to a decision an alarm clock pierced through the quiet atmosphere. I wasn't the only one who jolted at the noise it seems. I feel the arms around me tighten quickly as Jokers body jumps awake. Hearing a groan behind me, Joker leans over me and reaches out to turn off the alarm. I let out a huff when he drops back down partly on top of me.

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