Chapter 3: The Morning Ordeal

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       The next morning, I slowly open my eyes unsure of where I am. Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I start to remember what happened. Quickly tensing in fear, I turn my head slowly to the side to see the joker with his arm over his eyes. Not daring to move even when I see the belt out of his grip, I watch him intently to see if he's sleeping. Finally daring enough, I slowly start to get up and when I see no movement, I fully stand.

     Now what? I think standing awkwardly in the living room. Suddenly my stomach growls loudly, making me jump. I quickly look at the Joker, luckily seeing no reaction. After getting my breathing under control I slowly head into the kitchen trying to figure out what I can make quietly. Finally deciding to make omelets, I start to get out the ingredients, but then I pause. Should I make him some food as well? I wonder. After some thinking, I get out some more ingredients and get to work. To caught up in my work I don't notice when the faint snoring disappears and a shape forms behind me. At the last second I see the Joker's reflection in the knife I'm using. Screaming in fear, I'm suddenly yanked back by the belt, an arm snatching out to grab my hand still holding the knife. Slamming into a chest once again, I cry out but quickly go silent when the knife still in my hand is pressed against my throat. My other hand flies up to the belt around my throat, pulling it to try to get air.

     'What do you think you're doing!" He loudly growls in my ear. I start to cry trying to speak, but I can't get enough air. Yanking harder he shouts at me.

     " How dare you disobey me!" I cry harder yanking at the belt as he pushes the knife in harder, smashing my hand in the process. We stay like that for a minute until he shouts out in annoyance, yanking the knife out of my hand, throwing it, and shoving me forward into the counter. I slam into it, falling on the ground. Quickly sitting up I push myself further into the counter curling into myself.

     "P-please I'm sorry. Please, I-I wasn't doing anything." I rasp out trying to disappear into the counter.

     "What do you mean you weren't doing anything!" He yells, grabbing the belt and yanking me forward until I slam into the ground at his feet.

" You were holding a knife! What were you going to do huh? Stab me and call the cops?!" He yells again, picking up his foot and slamming it on my head. The side of my face smashes onto the ground and I whine in pain. As he starts picking up his foot to do it again I shriek in fear. 

     "I was cooking"! He pauses right above my head and I choke out a sob. I flinch to the side when he slams his foot behind my head. He reaches down and grabs my hair, crouching down and yanking me up to his face.

     "Explain." He snaps. Crying, I try to get in as much air as possible grabbing at his hands holding my hair.

     "I-I woke up and you weren't holding the belt. I w-was hungry so I came to make us food. P-please I'm sorry I should have listened, sorry." I desperately plead. He stares into my eyes as I continue to cry, terrified. Finally he seems to make up his mind and he lets go of my hair. I fall back onto the ground shaking. Slowly I look up at him to see him looking up at the roof. Finally he groans, rubbing his eyes and then looking back down at me. I flinch back in fear as his eyes once again land on me.

     "Your-ah playing a really dangerous game here Alex." he says, reaching out and grabbing me. I jolt back when his hands wrap around my arms, sitting me up and pulling me towards him. He shushes me and grabs my face, inspecting it. I hiss out in pain as he loosens the belt, finally taking it off.

     "That's, uh, gonna leave a mark." He mumbles poking at it. I flinch at the contact and he stops. Letting me go, he stands up and goes to inspect the food. I slowly stumble up after him, hunching over when he looks back at me.

      "Omelets?" He asks, pointing at them. I numbly nod, terrified of his mood swing. Humming, he looks back at them, picking them up and carrying them out to the living room. I shakily follow, walking in and seeing him sitting on the couch eating. Without looking at me he pats the spot next to him. Not wanting to make him snap again, I quickly hurry over there and stiffly sit down. My hands quickly shoot out to grab the plate shoved into me and look down at the food. I don't feel hungry anymore but when he jabs a finger at the plate mumbling to eat, I do so. Finally we both finish and I feel sick. I see an arm fly out in my side vision and I jolt back. Looking over, I see him stretching and yawning. Putting his arms down he pats my leg and stands up.

     "Welp, I better get going." He says looking back down at me. I quickly stand up when he turns and starts walking to the door and putting on a hoodie he must have brought last night and grabbing a bag with his stuff in it that I didn't see before . He grabs the nob but stops, looking back at me.

     "You know the rules. Don't say a word or uh the kitchen experience will be nothing. Oh, and uh clean up a bit." He says looking around before pulling up the hood and leaving, slamming the door behind him. I stand there for a bit until I finally let out a breath and trudge back to the couch. I flop down until I jump back up hissing in pain. Grabbing the offending object, I see one of the Jokers pocket knives, luckily closed, in my hand. Remembering the coat as well, I curse out loud 

     "Damn it".

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