Chapter 10: Dinner With New Friends

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      Once the door closes behind me with a thud, the silence overwhelms me. Furniture is already placed through the apartment thanks to Gordon and I see some papers and a note on the coffee table. Walking over, I pick up the stack to see bank and school papers, a debit card falling out of the stack. The note just explained that I would be receiving a monthly allowance of $10,000 from a benefactor, which confused me because I had no clue who would do such a thing. I set the papers back down and put the card in my wallet with a huff. I stood up straight and began looking through the apartment. The living room was a decent size with a tv, coffee table, side tables, and couch all sitting on a white rug. Next to the living room was a kitchen and dining room which were also well spaced. Walking down the hallway by the dining room, I see a bathroom, an office, and a bedroom which were all furnished. I walked into the bedroom and set down my bag, flopping on the bed in defeat. I don't think I have been able to relax since my first meeting with Joker, and I still can't now. Once that thought passed my head, the familiar dread coursed through me. I jumped up and quickly looked around the room, seeing a window leading to a balcony. Shivering in fear, I quickly pulled out my computer from the duffle bag I brought and went to amazon. I bought window locks, cameras, door locks, and whatever else I thought I would need. I also set it up so some groceries would deliver tomorrow. When that was all done, I laid back on my bed once again, watching the time on my phone pass by.

     When 5:50 came around, I dragged myself out of bed to get ready. I put on a clean shirt and fixed my hair some, all while thinking why I'm even going. What if I get these people hurt, what if they learn about my past, what do I do? I felt panic rise as I put my nice shoes on and walked to my door. Before I could think any further or try to talk myself into staying home a knock on the door caused me to flinch back. I let out a gasp for air as I backed away from the nob, my hand going to my neck. Another knock came just as loud and my breathing picked up, but I knew that I had to check on who was out there. With my phone grasped tightly in my hand, I crept up to the peep hole and looked through, a sigh leaving my lips when I saw the lady, May, standing outside. Unlocking the door, I slowly pulled it open, a sheepish smile on my lips.

     "Why there you are. I was worried you ran off or something." She teased. I hunched down and let a small smile form on my lips.

     "Y-yeah sorry, I was trying to find my phone." I muttered out, walking into the hallway and locking my door. She waved me off with a smile.

     "No matter. Let's get going, everyone is there already so we can eat before It gets cold." She says, grabbing my arm, ignoring my small flinch, and dragging me to her door. When we walked in, I was engulfed with the smell of spaghetti and bread, following the smell into the dining room where a boy who I guessed was Peter and a woman named Lisa sat.

     "Hey guys, this is the new neighbor I was telling you about. Jane, this is my nephew Peter and my other neighbor Lisa." May introduced.

     "Nice to meet you, darling, I just adore your hair." Lisa said, waving at me. I nodded politely at her, blushing at her comment.

     "It is great to meet you. Aunt May has been talking non-stop about you since I came home. What are your hobbies? Do you like Star Wars?" Peter rambled. I nodded to him as well as May guided me to a chair and making me sit down.

     "Um, well, I like the new Fast and Furious movie that came out, and I do like Star Wars. R2-D2 is my favorite character." I say politely while May puts food on my plate.

     "Sweet! I've been wanting to see that movie. Yoda is my favorite by far because he is really powerful and helps train the new Jedi." Peter rambles, and now I see how they are related.

    "You all talking about that space movie again." A voice behind me suddenly says, making me jump horribly with a squeak. Everyone looks at me in surprise and I awkwardly put my head down with an apology.

     "It's alright darlin. I shouldn't have snuck up on ya like that." The guy, who I guessed was Dave, said. He walked over and sat with his wife, giving me a kind smile. I smiled back awkwardly and with that the meal started. While we ate, I listened to Peter tell about his day to everyone while Dave talked about how he knew nothing in school and didn't understand how Peter was so smart.

     "Oh yeah! Jane is going to Midtown as well Pete." May cut in. I jolted up and looked around the table.

    "That's sick! We could hang out together, and I could introduce you to Ned." Peter said as the others told me how great that was. I just politely smiled and answered the questions they threw at me. As the night went on, I got more and more comfortable, able to joke and laugh with the others, and when the night ended, I was sent home with many leftovers ad and invitation to come over whenever.

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