Chapter 8: Freedom

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     After we both ate and were led back into our now clean cell, I tried to organize my thoughts. Joker actually helped me, again, from being... well, you know, and he took care of me afterwards again. I couldn't understand what the Joker wanted with me or why he cared so much about my safety. While I was caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice that Joker was staring at me from the bench. I was sitting curled up with my back to the bars across from him, my head down in my knees. The noise of him standing made me look up in panic. He stalked towards me, his eyes boring into mine with each step, causing me to gulp. When he finally reached me, he crouched down, head tilted sideways.

     "You're an interesting one Doc. I have been wondering why exactly I have kept ya around. Why I went ta jail cause of ya." Joker said thoughtfully. I lowered my head in fear but a hand roughly grabbing my chin and yanking my head up caused me to gasp.

     "I also wonder why I'm about ta do this. But I will always find ya Alex, no matter what." He said louder, his hand tightening almost painfully before he let go and stood. I fell back in shock, watching as he banged on the cell door. Gordon came in a minute later, looking at the scene.

     "What do you want Joker?' He said sternly, his eyes meeting my panicked and surprised ones.

     "I want ya take her home commissioner. Make sure she's in her apartment before ya leave." Joker drawled, walking over to me and picking me up, shoving his face in my hair, inhaling. When he backed up again, a feral grin was on his face.

     "See ya later Doc." He said, I heard the door open and Gordon led me out. But I couldn't remove my eyes from the Joker, wondering what he was suddenly doing. We finally broke eye contact when I turned a corner, causing me to snap out of my haze.

     "Are you ok Alex?" Gordon asks, stopping and squeezing the hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

     "Y-yeah. I just need to process all of this." I mumbled out faintly.

     "I completely understand, especially in your position. May I ask, why was the Joker in your apartment that day?" Gordon questioned, and I tensed. Should I tell him the truth or not?

      "W-well. He met me in an alley a couple of weeks ago and just kind of left, which surprised me. That day, I, I guess he was hiding so he broke in and yeah." I explained, leaving out a few minor details.

     "I see, well I would like to put you in witness protection. I will set up a place for you to start school and move. Sadly it can't be too far because some higher ups still think of you as a suspect." He states, and all I could do was nod as I was led away from the station. From the Joker. Hopefully for good. 

A/N- Sorry for the short chapter. The length will go back next chapter.

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