Chapter 18: The Mall Trip

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When we finally finished eating, I couldn't hold in my questions any longer. I had no clue why he changed his mind all the sudden and decided to let me go outside, especially after he just got out of Arkham.

    "U-um Joker?" I quickly got his attention before I lost my bravery. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and I had to take a breath.

    "Why are we going shopping? Couldn't it be dangerous if someone saw us?" I timidly asked, picking at the remaining egg on my plate. I could feel him watching me and I grew more nervous.

    "I feel like ya don't trust me pet." He says, one of his hands reaching up and caressing my neck. I shivered at the contact.

    "No! No, I do. I am just curious. Sorry." I quickly tried to backtrack, not wanting to destroy the good mood he's in. He suddenly hooked finger under the choker and yanked me towards him. I let out a cough at the sudden pull but didn't dare move away as he looked down at me.

    "If ya really gotta know, I have some business I have to take care of. I just thought that ya would wanna go shopping afterwards." He explained, staring at me sharply.

    "I would like to! Thank you." I hurriedly said, hoping that he wouldn't get mad or change his mind. The nerves were still there, but I would love to get out of this place even if I've only been here for a couple days. With a huff he moved the finger around under the choker until there was a beep. I jumped at the sound, scared of what he did.

     "Well, since ya seem so excited, lets go." He released me and stood up, putting on a mask and hat. He already had jeans and a sweatshirt on, face clean of makeup, but I was still anxious. Not wanting him to get more annoyed, I quickly stand and follow after him. We go down to a parking garage and get into his car. I let out a whimper of fear as we drove near the exit, not wanting to get shocked. I closed my eyes and tensed as we went outside, but nothing happened. Opening my eyes and looking around at the road we were driving down I made a noise surprise. A chuckle beside me made me snap my head towards Joker. He was looking at me mirthlessly.

     "I'm not that cruel, ya know." He snickers, his face faking concern. I flushed and looked down at my lap, which was met with another laugh. We drove to this mall in downtown Gotham and I was curious about what business he had here. We parked in the big garage under the mall and before I could get out I heard him lock the doors. I held my breath and looked over at him, releasing it once I saw that he was only putting on his makeup.

     "What are you doing?" I fearfully asked, unsure if it was smart to walk in there.

     "I said I got some business before pleasure pet. I am a working man ya know." He teased. I nodded silently, even though I knew he wouldn't see and looked out the windows. I saw couples and families walking around, laughing and talking. I just hoped that he wouldn't blow up the mall or anything.

     "So, there are some rules ya gotta follow." Joker started. I jolted back into reality and looked over at him. He was still putting the paint on but looked at me from the corner of his eye.

     "Don't be making a scene or trying to draw attention to us, or this trip will turn a little more deadly." As he said that, he used a finger to point down at a shoulder holster holding two guns sitting next to him. I gulped and nodded quickly, looking back up at him.

     "Second, no running away. I'll know where you are at all times so don't be an idiot Alex." I flinched at the use of my name, but nodded to that as well.

     "Finally, do as I say. I don't gotta explain what I mean by that, do I?"


     "Good". I look down at my lap, more nervous than ever. Maybe it would have been better if I stayed back at the penthouse. It's too late now.

     "How do I look?" I heard Joker ask. Quickly bringing my head back up, I flinched back in shock at his closeness. He had his normal messy paint on as well as the hat and mask. They made him look normal if you weren't next to him. He also was zipping the sweatshirt back up, the holster now underneath.

     "G-good." I answered quietly, looking down from his piercing gaze. He snickered at my reaction, bringing a hand up to brush some hair away from my eyes before pulling away. He unlocked the doors and got out, I did too but before I could do much a hand wrapped around my upper arm tightly. I flinched at the contact and was yanked forward towards him. He quickly fixed my hair and outfit before he moved his grip, grabbing my hand tightly in his. We started walking towards the escalators, passing unsuspecting people. I tensed up every time someone got close to us, but a warning squeeze from Joker made me try to relax as we finally made it to the escalator and up to the main floor. I kept my head down as we walked around, people bustling all around us.

     "Now listen, I got ta meet with this guy who owes me some money in the back of the H&M. You will stay in the main shop and pretend that nothing is happening. Understand?" Joker explained, looking down at me. I nodded quickly.

     "Why are you meeting in the mall?" I couldn't help but ask.

     "Let's just say, it's a surprise visit." Joker says, leading me into the shop. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a card, handing it to me before walking away towards the counter. I watch as some other men come out of areas of the store and follow him as he is led to the back. With a small gulp, I look around the store awkwardly, trying to figure out what to do. I see security guards walking around the mall as well as hundreds of people, some shopping in the same place as me. Small thoughts of telling someone pass though my head but I guiltily push them down and start wandering the isles, not daring to go against Joker. I tried to focus on the clothes around me but I was unsuccessful, terrified of what was happening in the back. After a while, I noticed a security guard getting suspicious of me. I quickly go back to looking through some shirts but I hear him walking closer until a hand lands on my shoulder.

     "Miss, is everything going ok here?" He asks, suspicion clear in his voice. I look up at him quickly and nod.

     "Y-yeah, I'm just waiting for someone." I say, trying to not show my fear. He nods and slowly walks away, but I can see him standing near the entrance. Fuck, what do I do? Quickly thinking through some scenarios, I pull out my phone and make it look like I got a text. I slowly walk out of the store as the guard watches me and I turn a corner into a crowd. I hope Joker will let me explain before he gets pissed. I wander around the mall, now lost in the crowd and hoping my death won't be too painful.

      "A-Alex? Alex Hoffman?" I hear an all too familiar voice say. I whip my head around to Gordon and take a step back. He is standing with someone who seems to be his wife and kids, looking at me in surprise.

     "Alex, is that you?" He asks again, pushing his kids behind him and stepping forward.

     "I-uh." I can't say anything, I get caught up in panic. I'm definitely gonna die now.

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