Chapter 16: Almost Romantic

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I tried not to move as Joker walked behind me, his hands caressing up my arms and around my shoulders. He pulled me back into his chest and his mouth moved to my ear.

"So," He hissed in my ear.

"What were ya doing with Rose?" He asked, his hands tightening on my shoulders. I winced in pain and tried to move away, but a dangerous growl stopped me.

"S-she was just showing me around the complex. I said that I was your niece and I moved from California. I swear." I explained in a small voice as tremors of fear wracked through me. He hummed in thought, his hands rubbing up and down my shoulders slowly. All I could do was shrink in on myself and look to the floor. Finally, It seemed like he was done thinking and he stood up fully.

"Well, ya better start dinner then." He said, more like ordered. I quickly nodded, stumbling when he pushed me forward and walked to the couch. I stood there for a minute, watching him put on some news channel and sitting down comfortably. Is that really all he's gonna do? Well, let's just count our blessings. I hurried over to the kitchen silently and looked around for what we had. At first I thought nachos sounded good but my fear stopped me. What if he didn't like what I chose? Quickly making up my mind, I shuffled over to the couch and stood to the side, not daring to interrupt him. Standing there was slowly becoming awkward as I waited for him to do something. After what seemed like a couple of minutes he sighed and rolled his head to look at me, eyebrow raised.

"U-um, what do you want me to make?" I stuttered out, hoping he wasn't still mad.

"Just make whatever." He answered, turning back to the TV and waving a hand in dismissal. I nodded, even though he wasn't looking, and went back to the kitchen. Well that didn't really help my issue. I feel like that made it worse. Deciding on nachos once again. I got to work, trying not to make much noise as I cooked while he watched TV. Little huffs or laughs were heard from him when certain stories were shown. I was interested in what he was watching, but I also didn't want to fuck up the food. Cooking it is. The minutes passed as I made the food, getting lost in my mind over small things. The background noise was just static as I stirred the ground beef, which is always a mistake with the company I'm in. I jumped with a small scream as arms wrapped around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder.

"So, whatcha making? It smells good." Joker rumbled in the ear making me flinch to the side, away from his breath on my face.

"Nachos, is that fine?" I asked softly, looking down at my shaking hands. He always seems to sneak up on me, scaring the shit out of me in the process.

" Sounds...lovely." He slowly chuckles out, his fingers tracing patterns on my stomach. I let out a shaky breath, seeing as he wasn't leaving, and continued to cook. As I cooked, Joker added spices, or random stuff he said would taste good until we finally finished. I put the nachos on plates the Joker grabbed and he led me to the couch to eat, saying he had to watch the news. I quietly ate as we watched something about a fire in California and some other boring shit. I'm surprised that this terrifying criminal acts like an old man with how invested he is. Finally, It seemed like the news moved to what he was waiting for, If him grabbing my face and forcing me to look at the TV says anything.

"Pay attention, pay attention. This is the good part." He says excitedly, wrapping an arm around my neck. I looked up at the news, wondering what he was talking about, but I quickly figured that out.

'Last night, the notorious Joker of Gotham robbed the Gotham City Bank in Midtown. Twelve were killed and thirty were seriously injured. We are unsure of his motives, however we believe that It could have a connection to the rumors of Bane's Streetgang. This gang has been reported smuggling drugs into Gotham..." The news reporter continued to ramble on, but Joker seemed to not care about the rest.

"Ain't it great. All the fame I get." Joker laughed, turning off the TV and turning his head to me. I quickly lowered my head and nodded slowly.

"Why did you kill them?" I mumbled out before I could catch myself.

"It was simple really, I can demonstrate for you if you'd like. Though it's quite concerning that you don't know how to shoot a gun." He laughed, grabbing my arms and forcing me to lay down on the couch. I let out a yelp as my back hit the cushions, but my mouth quickly snapped shut when he moved over me. His legs were on either side of me and one of his hands moved up to grasp both my wrists and yanked them above my head. I flinched again when his other hand came up to move some hair out of my face.

"Most...normal people think that seeing a dead body is horrifying. You do too, seeing how you've acted in the past. Me on the other hand, all I see is a hunk of flesh. Once the little light in their eyes goes out, they are nothing." He rambles as he twirls a piece of my hair between his fingers. I close my eyes and look away, wondering where he was going with this.

" I could kill anyone without care because that little light means nothing to me. I could go to an orphanage, to a stadium, anywhere...and I would not care. But your light is different. It's like a flickering candle in a hurricane and I can't help but watch. To see if it will go out or keep fighting." His hand moves up to trace under my eye, wiping a small tear away.

"Your little light is like nothing I've ever seen, and I want it as mine. I don't want anyone giving you hope or putting you out, except me. Even the darkest of places have one little light and you are mine." He growls, grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look at him.

"Do. You. Understand?"

"Y-yes." I whine out as his hand tightens.

"Ya better be careful with who ya decide to make friends with because I wouldn't hesitate to kill them if they do something." He threatens, slowly releasing my jaw. I let out a breath that I was holding and looked up at him tentatively. He smiles down at me mirthlessly and wipes my tears away once again.

"Who owns you?"

"You do." I whisper out, looking away from his sharp gaze.

"Exactly my little pet." He chuckles out. A finger forces my chin up to look at him again, but before I could even meet his eyes I felt lips connect with mine. The kiss was possessive but quick and before I could blink he moved away and got up. I lay there stunned as he walked away with a chuckle. What the fuck?

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