Chapter 13: Home Sweet Cage

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    A pop was heard and red invaded my vision. I heard the Joker laughing maniacally as my eyes focused. In front of me was a red flag with 'Bang!' written on it. I sagged in relief. I saw everyone else do the same.

    "Wow, doc. I feel like ya don't trust me. Why would I work so hard to break out of Arkham, just ta kill ya?" Joker asks with a sneer. I just breathe out a sob, almost falling to the floor when a hand grabs my neck. Joker throws the fake gun away and wraps his other hand around my waist, his face moving to the side of my neck again in a possessive hug.

    "I missed ya doc. It gets lonely in confinement ya know." He mumbles, squeezing me. I continued shaking involuntarily from the adrenalin, but I put my head down, putting the weight on his hand around my neck. I didn't know how to feel at this point. He never really killed me, but he did threaten to kill me and everything. I felt safe in his arms for some reason. Not safe from him of course, but from the world. The shaking slowly subsided and I looked up to the Avengers. Clint got up and dragged Natasha away from the couch, checking her for injuries, while everyone else kept their eyes on us, weapons out. Thinking through the situation I caused, I came up with only one way to stop the tension.

    "C-can we go home please?" I asked quietly, my voice cracking with emotion. I saw all the Avengers gasp in shock and horror. I also felt Joker smile into my neck, a snicker leaving his lips.

    "Why I thought ya would never ask." He laughed, moving back and swinging me to face him. I was met with a laughing smirk, his eyes dark with mirth and a hint of surprise. With a permanent grin on his face, he drags me to the elevator, pulling out a pocket knife along the way. When we step in, Joker puts an arm around my shoulders and shakes the knife at the Avengers in warning. And with that, I was going back to Gotham

    Entering the city felt odd. I never expected to be back here when the Joker was arrested, but here I am, in the passenger side of a purple mustang. Joker was driving fast through the city, where exactly? I had no clue, but I hoped it was not some abandoned warehouse or anything. After what seemed like forever, we pulled up in front of an apartment on the richer side of Gotham, which is surprising. I look over to see him putting on his mask and hat once again, eyes darting over to look at me. I wait until he gets out of the car to unbuckle and open the door, getting out slowly. Of course, before I could get far Joker grabbed my arm, throwing his keys to a valet who was looking at us oddly. Walking into the building, I couldn't help but gasp at the beautiful architecture. I wondered how Joker afforded this, until I remembered he was a criminal. We walked to an elevator and went up to the fifteenth floor, walking out into the hallway. I surprisingly only saw three doors, and the Joker moved us to the far right one, unlocking the door and pushing me in, of course locking the door behind him. This is when I knew something could happen. Anything really. He could kill me, beat me, whatever he wanted, and I was stuck. My muscles tensed painfully as he stalked towards me, but all he did was walk past. I stared in confusion as he turned back to me with a pointed look.

    "Well come on. I'm giving ya the tour." He said, beckoning me with a finger. I obediently followed. He showed me the living room, which the front door led into. It was massive, with a black leather couch that could fit at least eight people, and an amazing TV sitting over a fireplace. Next he led me to the kitchen and dining room, which were attached to the living room thanks to the open floor plan. The kitchen had all black marble counters with stainless steel appliances and a modern look. There was a floating island with a stove and bar stools on the opposite end. The dining room had a massive wooden table with chairs positioned around it. He then led me down a hallway between the kitchen and living room. The first door on the right was a fairly normal bathroom. The second door which was on the left was his bedroom. Of course, it was massive and surprisingly neat. There was a purple, black, and white theme with all wooden furniture, and another bathroom with a shower and huge tub was attached. His closet was a walk-in filled to the brim with clothes. After we were finished there, he showed me to a door right next to him.

    "This is my office. You will not ever come in here, ya understand?" Joker said seriously, looking at me with a glare.

    "Y-yes." I mumbled out, looking down. He nodded in acceptance and led me back out into the kitchen.

    "You will sleep in my bedroom since I got no other space." He explained, sitting down at the table, turning towards me. My face paled dramatically, wondering what he would do.

    "I do got work ya know. You will stay here. You can go outside the apartment but you will not leave the building. And to make sure..." He grabbed a box off the counter and opened it, pulling out what looked like a choker, and standing up, walking towards me. I flinched back, but obediently stayed in place as he reached around my neck, closing the thing with a click and stepping back.

    "This will make sure ya can't go outside the building. It will give ya a shock if you do. I also can track ya anywhere, so don't think ya can run. The choker takes a lock, which I have the key for, so don't try to take it off." He explains, holding up a keychain by one key in particular. I nodded in acceptance even though on the inside I was dying. I'm trapped here, and who knows how long. I have no clue what he wants from me or what I can do. 

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