Chapter 21: Surprisingly, A Good Night

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     The rest of the morning was spent watching movies and being forced to cuddle up to the Joker. But, in my opinion, that was better than him being angry at me for something. When it reached five in the afternoon I heard an alarm ring. At the moment Joker was laying down on the couch with me on top of him. His fingers were carding through my hair as we watched the third Harry Potter movie, and all I could do now was try not to fall asleep. When the alarm sounded, it jolted me out of my foggy state as well as startling Joker. Picking up his phone, he quickly shut off the alarm and jumped up, causing me to let out a yelp and fall off of him.

     "It's time!" He sang as I picked myself up off the floor. Before I could fully stand he grabbed my arm and yanked me forward, leading me towards the bedroom. I followed obediently and sat on the bed when he pushed me towards it. I watched as he went into the closet, clangs and muttering could be heard inside. The all too familiar anxiety started coursing through me as my leg bounced. Hopefully this doesn't end up as a shit-show.

     "Tadaa! This one is per-fect." Joker's voice rang out as he stepped back into the room. He was holding a long purple dress, its sleeves criss-crossed around my back and a slit was down one side. A dark black ribbon and a pair of black heels were in his other hand, which he promptly dropped beside me.

     "C'mon, c'mon. Go-ah get dressed up so we're not late." He rushed, shooing me with his arm. I nodded and quickly grabbed the outfit, walking into the now destroyed closet to change. The dress fit perfectly and I wrapped the ribbon around my waist, tying it into a bow at my side. Lacing up the shoes, I made my way back out to see the Joker now in his suit, a mask on the bed next to him for his scars.

     "Bea-uti-ful." He purred, walking around me. I tensed up when he grabbed my hair and smoothed it out around my shoulders. His finger reached up and hooked under the choker, the beep once again ringing out.

     "Now, lets-ah go." He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hallway. We went out the door and Joker excitedly dragged me over to the elevator, pressing the button for the parking garage. We walked over to his car and he quickly shoved me into the passenger side. What a gentleman. I buckled as he climbed in and quickly started the engine, screeching out of the parking lot.

     When we finally made it to the club, my nerves were frayed. There were so many people here, but at least it was a different club than before. As we walked up to the door, people were staring at us in awe.

     "Isn't that the club owner?"

     "He never comes around."

     "Who is that lady with him?"

    'If only they knew who he really was.' I thought as I followed behind Joker, he had no makeup and it was hard to see his scars at night. The voices continued to ring out but they were quickly drowned out by the loud music inside. With a single nod and a short "boss", the guy at the door let us pass. When the doors opened, I couldn't hold in a gasp. The writhing shapes of the dancers on the wide oval dancefloor were silhouetted by the darting coloured lights. Here and there were booths full of glamorous looking people drinking cocktails, shouting to hear each other over the music. The bar was huge and seemed to stock bottles of liquor in every color and flavor imaginable. This is the first time I've been in one of these bars without sneaking through the back.

     "Helloooooo," Joker called out, balling his hand into a fist and offering a few light knocks against the side of my temple.

     "Anyone home? Earth to Alexxx."

    "O-oh, sorry. I- am I allowed to be here? I'm not of age yet." I ask, moving to the side away from another knock to my head. With a chuckle he draped an arm over my shoulders, leading me to a back area of the club. I finally was able to see through the crowd to where we were heading. It was a booth tucked towards the back, furthest from the dancefloor. Here it was cooler and the music didn't feel so harsh. I noticed that he moved with purpose, letting everyone know he was important... and dangerous. I could only feel insignificant, like I didn't belong. As we reached the booth I realized there were men stationed to either side, in dark suits that I guessed hid guns under the jackets. My nerves were getting the best of me as I watched people whisper about us, but I was still pushed into the booth.

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