Chapter 24: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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It was dark and I can't remember what happened last night, all I know is that I'm fucking burning hot and my ribs fucking hurt. I tried to roll over but a weight around my stomach halted any movements. At first, my thoughts led me to Joker. I was safe, and kinda. Free. But then I heard the running water of the sewer, the construction ringing out. Then, who is holding onto me? Wait a fucking minute. My whole body tensed, ribs screaming in protest, as I tried to wiggle free.

"Still yourself or I shall break your spine. It is still dark outside." A deep voice started behind me, arms tightening. A whine leaves my lips as my ribs creak, but I quickly still and try to loosen my muscles. As I lay there, I noticed that my back was pulled against his bare chest, blankets pulled over us. His inhuman body heat was keeping us both warm, and with his arms around me, it was almost unbearable. My ragged breathing was the only sound as we lay there in the darkness. Tears were threatening to fall as each one of his breaths against my hair made me tense. I lay there as the hours' pass, the pain in my neck and ribs worsening with each time Bane shifts around. I could almost cry when I saw the sun through the sewers. Movement behind me tells me that he has finally woken again.

"P-Please, my ribs. My neck." I whimpered pathetically, trying to move his arms away.

"Silence your whines. That is your punishment." Bane states as he stands up. Looking down at me with his dark eyes, I can tell that he is trying to figure out something.

"Get up, it is time to start your day." He finally says, looking away. With a small hiss, I slowly crawl out of the covers, my ribs and neck stabbing horribly. Right when I fully stand and try to take a step, I fall with a cry.

"Get up, I shall not ask again." His voice cuts through my haze of pain.

"Please, I can't," I beg as I shakily get on my knees, falling again soon after. His heavy footfalls came towards me and a hand latched onto the back of my shirt, yanking me up. I screamed painfully, my vision going dark for a moment. The pain was overwhelming, I felt like I was dying.

"Ple-AHHH!" I tried to plead, but each word made the pain worse. With a surprised grunt, Bane dropped me back in the bed and quickly walked out the door. Tears streamed down my face unrelenting as I lay there like a broken doll. Each breath, each twitch of my muscles, they all felt like knives going through me. When the door opened again, I let out another pitiful whine.

"Check her injuries brother. Tell me what you find." I heard Bane's voice over me.

"Of course." The familiar voice of Barsad states as I feel hands tentatively lift up my shirt. I hissed out painfully as he prodded my ribs and collarbone. After what seemed like an eternity, the hands were removed.

"Three of her ribs seem to be cracked on the sides and her spine has a small fracture. Her collarbone also has a crack and major swelling around the area. She will be unable to move easily for about a week or more unless you want more damage caused. All we can do is wrap them tightly and give her pain relievers." Barsad explains. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bane looking at me thoughtfully.

"Would you like me to bring her back to the infirmary, Brother? She will be unable to leave and can rest on her cot." Barsad continues, looking over at me.

"No. She shall stay here. I do not trust my men to do anything while she is unable to fight back. Bring the medical supplies she needs here as well as a way to stop her from leaving." Bane says, Walking over to me slowly. My breathing picks up at the thought of staying here. I don't know what's worse. Staying here with Bane, who is the cause of all this, or dealing with the sexually frustrated men.

"Very well, brother. I shall return soon." Barsad says as he walks out the door, leaving both Bane and me once again. I winced as Bane moved closer, picking me up as carefully as he was able, and laying me back down where I was this morning. He did not say a word as we waited for Barsad to return, all he did was stare. Finally, he spoke.

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