Chapter 6: Police Station

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     After a painfully awkward cruiser ride, we made it to the station. I looked out the window to see more police outside, their guns aimed at the car. Civilians were stopping to watch and record, wondering what was happening.

     "Ain't it great, all my adoring fans waiting for a picture." Joker snarls in my ear, making me flinch sideways into the door, trapped. Before the Joker could say anything else, a cop came forward, opening the door. Gordon reached forward and carefully took my arm, pulling me out of the car, Joker following after. Two cops came behind us and one grabbed Joker's uncuffed arm, dragging him through the crowd and into the station, and I was dragged after. Looking at the crowd, I saw people staring in fear and amazement, some showed confusion when they saw me. I dropped my head to stare at my feet as we were led into the station. Before a cop put us in a cell, Gordon grabbed my arm once again, leaning down and whispering.

     "We will get you out of this safely, just hold on Alex." He rose back up, nodding at me. I just looked at him with fear in my eyes as we were placed in a cell. An officer came forward and removed the cuffs, but before I could do anything, Joker grabbed my arm harshly and yanked me to a bench with him. I followed obediently and looked to the floor, watching the cops walk away, one pair of feet lingered until it too left. Now I was left with Joker and some other prisoners in the cell. Joker still had his mask on and no face paint, so the prisoners didn't recognize him. He yanked me down to the floor, and trapped me between his legs, finally releasing me. I froze, unsure of what to do as one of his legs pushed me back against him. I was leaning against the bench, my shoulder blades positioned on his crotch, his legs were on either side of me, causing me to cross my arms over my chest. I pulled up my legs and sat stiffly, watching the other men in the cell.

     "Well, that was quite an entrance if I do say so myself. What did yah guys do, blow up somethin?" One guy, with a strong Boston accent asked. Joker just huffed, and when I looked up at him, his arms were crossed and his eyes closed, seemingly sleeping.

     "Fine, be a dick then eh. It was just a question for ah curious guy." The guy muttered out, leaning back against the cell bars. I sat there for what seemed like hours, The Joker was breathing deeply, asleep, and the guys around me looked like they were getting bored, I shuffled around a bit, reliving my numb ass. When I looked back at the guys, I flinched back, seeing their eyes on me.

     "Well hello there beautiful. What's ah girl like you doin with a creep like that. Ya don't even look old enough to drink yet." The Boston guy said again, coming towards me and crouching down so he was face to face. I just scooted closer to Joker, tensely watching him.

     "C'mon pretty lady, can I at least know your name?" He asked, sitting down cross-legged in front of me.

     "A-Alex." I mumble out quietly.

     "Alex? What a lovely name. Well, does Alex wanna sit with me and my buds. Ya look mighty uncomfortable by that dudes dick." He asked, a grin stretching across his face. I look up to see the other guys move closer, looking down at me with smirks. I slowly shake my head no.

     "Oh c'mon girly. I bet my lap would be more comfortable for ya, and maybe we could show you what real men are while your guys asleep." He said, a smirk on his lips, I once again shook my head no, which seemed to make him mad. A hand shot out and grabbed my ankle, making me yelp in fear.

     "C'mer bitch. Ya should be nice ta me. I'm just bein a gentleman." He said gruffly, dragging me towards him. I kick and yell, but another hand on my mouth stops me. He lifts me up and sets me on his lap, straddling him as a dude behind him holds my hands in one of his and covers my mouth with another. I wiggle and kick, trying to get free.

     "Oh Alex, keep doin that, ya really know how to get a man exited don't ya." Boston says. That is when I feel a bulge against my ass and I freeze, tears forming in my eyes.

     "Now don't stop sweetheart, I swear we will all have fun." Boston snickers as one of his hands reach up and grab my breast. I scream through the other guys hand, and force myself to stay still. He laughs, fondling my breasts, while another guy walks forward and licks a tear that rolled down my cheek. I flinch away with a cry, trying to get my hands free. The man who licked me snarled and smacked my thigh, making me jump. To busy with the tear guy, I don't notice that the Boston guy started making his way under my shirt until I felt a hand pinch my nipple. I screamed again, yanking my head forward and headbutting him.

     "You bitch!" He yelled, grabbing my hair and slamming me to the ground on my back. That got me free from the other guys for a second until a hand once again clamped on my mouth. I moaned in sorrow as Boston positioned my legs on his hips, his erection digging into my crotch. His hands painfully held my legs as I twisted and turned away, trying to hit him. Sadly, tear guy appeared again and grabbed my wrists with one hand, his other hand grabbing a nipple and pinching. I gasped in pain as tears freely fell down my face. I felt Boston start to grind against me and I lashed out. I bit down hard on the hand covering my mouth. He yelped in pain, releasing my mouth and I did something I thought I never would do.

     "Joker!" I screamed, begging him to wake up. A punch to the cheek made my scream cut off.

     "Your going to pay for that hore." The man I bit growled. He swung back for another punch, but a gloved hand suddenly grabbed his head. Yanking him into an awaiting knee. The tear guy released me, standing up to help his friend, when the gloved hand punched his face, a crack sounding as he screamed and fell. I looked at him seeing his nose crooked and bleeding.

     "How dare ya touch what's mine." I heard a deep growl behind me. I cried out in relife as I saw the Joker step up so he was standing over me as he grabbed the Boston guys throat, lifting him into the air. Boston gurgled and cursed as Joker held him up.

     "Your going to regret that." Joker ground out, throwing the man against the cell bars in front of us. He banged into them and fell to the ground in a heap.

     "Who the fuck do ya think ya are." Boston yelled at Joker.

     "I'm the fucking boogie man." Joker snarled, ripping off his mask to reveal his scars. Boston froze in terror, shaking like a leaf and backing against the bars as Joker advanced on him. I watched as Joker grabbed the guys face and repeatedly slammed his head against the bars as the mans pleas slowly ceased as blood spurted from his mouth and head. There was an audible crack and Joker released the now limp body, It landing with a splat on the puddle of blood now coating the floor. Joker then walked to the tear guy who was still whimpering in pain, and kicked him hard on the head, making him fall to a heap on the floor. I watched numbly, still shaken up by what happened, and when a hand grabbed my shoulder, I screamed, curling into myself and crying out pleas. Two arms forcefully wrapped around me, picking me up, and sitting me on a lap, holding me still. I thrashed and pleaded, trying to free myself.

     "Enough." A voice I knew way to well snapped, and for once I was glad to hear the voice. I stopped my movements, slowly opening my eyes to be met with black ones.

     "J-Joker." I stammered out in surprise.

"That is my name." He murmured, unamused. I suddenly reacted, grabbing onto his hoodie desperately and burying my head into it, the smell of gunpowder and cologne taking over my senses. Tears leaked from my eyes as I repeatedly mumbled out thank you's and apologies. He just held onto me and rocked me back and forth, surprisingly not pulling away. Slowly I fell asleep in his arms, my body exhausted from the days events.

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