Chapter 9: New Life

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      It has been a couple of days since my run with the notorious Gotham criminal. After Gordon led me away from him and we figured out what to do, I packed up a bag of my things, forced to leave the rest, and moved to New York, orange folder in hand which held my new identity, a new backstory, and a new life. I now go by Jane Harper, an eighteen year old from California and I'm in my last year of highschool. Gordon thought it was smart to change everything about me, so I did. I wear glasses and my hair is dyed black with purple tips, reaching down to my back. When I first moved down here, it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life, and that's saying something. So as I stand in front of my new apartment complex, all I can do is gulp while rubbing some fading bruises on my neck. After those couple of weeks, or was it longer? Well anyway, I developed a new tick of constantly rubbing and scratching my neck, I always feel like someone will appear out of nowhere as their hand wraps around my throat. Namely, I'm scared of the Joker grabbing me there again, choking me, controlling me.

     "-am, excuse me... Ma'am?" a voice cuts through my thoughts. I jump in fear and whip around, almost taking out a lady with my bag. She steps back in surprise and wariness, and I don't judge her. I look like shit, covered in bruises and cuts that aren't fully healed.

     "Sorry, um ye-yes?" I ask out, backing up also and rubbing the side of my neck. She looks at me with changing emotions in her eyes, and I notice grocery bags hanging from her arms as well as her long brown hair with greying roots.

    "Sorry to startle you, Ma'am, I was just wondering if you were looking for someone or if you needed any help." She explained, meeting my eyes once again. I take a breath, feeling bad for how I acted. I probably looked crazy standing in front of the complex.

     "I-i'm sorry. I was just getting my bearings and...stuff. I-I just moved here from Go- I mean California." I stutter out, her eyes slowly softening as I spoke. Dropping my head, I sigh. It's like I don't know how to act around, well, normal people anymore.

     "Oh dear, It's all right. Is this your first time moving away from your parents?" She asks, beckoning me to follow her to the entrance.

     "Yeah, I guess it is. I came here to continue highschool at Midtown and I guess it's weird being in New York for the first time." I mumble out as I walk behind her like a lost puppy.

      "Oh Midtown? I have a nephew who goes there. I'm his guardian so you will probably see him some time or another. Right now he is at his internship at Stark industries." She says proudly, and I know that she loves him. I smile and nod awkwardly as I follow her to the elevator.

     "What floor?" She asks, pressing the button for the fifth floor.

     "Um, that one actually. I'm apartment 506."

     "Really? That means your room is across from ours." She says happily, I just nod once again while we head up. When the elevator stops, we get out and start walking to the apartments. I see her struggling to hold some bags, so I reposition mine and reach out a hand.

     "Would you like any help?" I ask slowly, shoulders hunched.

     "That would be wonderful! Usually, Peter does the shopping but he has been so busy lately." She says, handing me three of her five bags. I place them on my arms and continue after her, listening to her rambles. We finally reached the apartments and she opened her door, letting me in. I followed her to the kitchen and set the bags down as she started to put them away. She was still talking so I stayed where I was, looking around their apartment. It was very cozy and I knew love was there. Random teenage clothes and books laid strewn about while some laundry in the process of folding was on the living room couch.

     "-You should come over for dinner tonight, you could meet Peter and I could introduce you to Lisa and Dave. They are coming over as well." She said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

     "Oh no, I don't want to intrude." I stick my hands up in a placating manner. She scoffs at me, her hands going to her hips.

     "I know you haven't done any shopping yet and It would hurt my conscious to know you are eating some junk food or nothing at all." She reprimands. I flush and look down, scratching the back of my neck.

     "Really, it's fine, miss." I try to say, but her tutting interrupts me.

     "I won't hear any of your excuses. Dinner is at six and you don't have to bring anything. We are having spaghetti and Lisa is bringing Garlic bread. Also, call me May, but I would also like to know your name." She rambles again.

     "Uh, my name's Jane." I get out as she is shooing me to the door.

     "Well Jane, you better go get ready. See you at six." She says, pushing me in the hallway and closing the door. I stand in the hallway, shocked. What the hell was that? I take a deep breath through my nose and finally unlock my door and enter my new home for the first time.

A/N- I changed the story a bit to give more detail. Sorry for the sudden change.

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