Chapter 5: The Aftermath

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     Waking up in the morning, all I felt was pain. I gasped out a breath and tried to move around, but something was stopping me. Opening my eyes, I'm met with a facefull of green hair. I freeze my movements and try to calmly breath, when suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I jump when I hear it and hope they go away. That doesn't seem to be the case when I hear them knock again. I try to get up, still trapped, by wiggling my head and arm out from underneath his arm. I almost get my leg out when I feel him tense up and his arm shoots out, grabbing my hair. I yelp as he yanks me back towards him and puts a knife to my cheek. Slowly looking up, I see that he's still half asleep.

     "S-someone's at the door." I mumble out. He blinks his eyes, waking up more and looking towards the hallway when there's another knock. Dropping head down on my shoulder he groans.

     "There is always something, isn't there" He huffs out rolling off the bed, crushing me more in the process. I grunt out a breath when his weight is finally off me. Laying there for a moment, I catch my breath, until I feel a hand grab my ankle and pull. I squeak out as I'm yanked off the bed, pulled up, and a scarf is wrapped around my head.

     "W-wha-" I start but a hand shushes me.

     "I'm covering all of the, uh, evidence" He states, still wrapping the scarf around me. When he's done he shoos me to the door.

     "Get rid of them." He says closing the bedroom door behind me. I pause, looking at the door until another knock interrupts me. Not knowing what else to do, I walk out to the door, grabbing a hoodie off the hook near it and putting it on to cover up more. Taking in a breath, I open the door and freeze at who it is. Standing outside are two cops.

     "Hello ma'am, my name is officer Gordon and this is my partner officer Brock. We were called in because of a noise complaint from one of your neighbors." Gordon states looking around passed me. I look at him, wondering why the Commissioner is here for a noise complaint.

     "U-um hi, I'm very sorry, my TV must have been too loud. I was watching a new movie and must have got excited." I say, trying not to sweat.

     "I see. May we have a look around the apartment?" Gordon asks, looking at me critically. I freeze up at this not knowing what to do.

     "Of course officers. Come on in." another voice behind me says, a hand wrapping around my shoulders. I tense in terror, wondering what the Joker was thinking as I watched the cops' reactions.

     "Well hello Mr...?" Gordon asked, his hand reaching out in greeting.

     "Napier. What can we do for ya today officers?" Joker responds, taking Gordons hand and shaking it. I try not to make any noise as Gordon tells Joker the same as me, walking inside followed by the other officer. I am led to the living room by Joker's arm, watching Gordon and him talk.

     "So, is it alright if we take a look around Mr. Napier?" Gordon once again asks, subtly looking down at me. I gulp and drop my head, unsure of what to do.

     "Of course officer, be my guest." Joker answers, the hand not holding me swings out, giving an invitation to look around. The cops nod and start to walk around, looking under the coffee table and behind furniture, leaving the living room, and us. The hand on my shoulder tightens painfully and I whimper in pain. My face is roughly grabbed and yanked to the side to meet Joker's eyes.

      " I hope you'll be smart about this Alex. If ya dare say anything or signal anything, you will regret it." He snarls darkly, clenching his hand tighter on my jaw. I whine out in pain, nodding quickly.

     "Mr. Napier, ma'am, can you come into the bedroom really quick please." A voice interrupts me. I gulp in fear, hoping they didn't find anything, and if they did, I was able to explain my way out of it.

     "Of course officers." Joker answers, releasing my face and leading me into the bedroom by my shoulder. Once we get there, I see Gordon holding the box I put Joker's coat in while the other inspected the blood on my bed. I wasn't sure if the blood was just mine or Treys as well. I felt Joker tense up as well, but his face showed nothing.

     " I have a quick question about the contents of this box." Gordon says, partially pulling out Joker's coat so we could see. My heart starts beating rapidly as my breath quickens.

     " Where exactly did you get such a coat?" Gordon asks. I'm unsure if he knew already or not.

     "W-well, I got it a-."

     "She found it at a garage sale. It is for a costume of hers." Joker interrupts me. I hear a quiet click behind me and freeze when a pocket knife is placed on the small of my back.

     "I see. Are you sure this is from a garage sale? I have only been able to see one coat like this and it was custom made, no others have the threads it does. That does not cover what was in the pockets though." Gordon says, his hand reaching in one pocket and pulling out some pocket knives and a joker playing card. That is when I knew that Gordon was aware of who the Joker was. I try to back up, but the knife stops me.

     "Put your hands up and release the girl Joker." Gordon states, dropping the box and pulling out his gun, aiming it at us. The other cop does the same and I hear my front door bust open, multiple footsteps entering the apartment. Tears finally leave my eyes and I cry out a silent help. Joker's knife presses further against my back and I whine in pain, feeling blood start to drip from the cut it made. Finally, Joker's hands release me, but he does not move away, his chest flush against my back. As he raises his arms up, I hear him giggle.

     "So co-mmi-son-er ya arn't as dumb as ya seem." Joker mocks, leaning down so his head was level with mine. I close my eyes and tense, whimpering out in fear as his breath fans his neck.

     "Ms. Hoffman, please step forward towards me." Gordon orders, making me open my eyes. I hear Joker growl lowly in my ear and I shiver, my eyes slowly looking up at Gordon. Taking a tentative step, I walk towards him, muscles painfully tense, scared of the person behind me, watching my every move. Finally I reach Gordon, standing in front of him. He slowly raises his arms, still causing a small flinch through me, and grabs the scarf, unwrapping it from my head to reveal the bruising on my forehead as well as moving my hair, showing the bruises near my eyes where the Joker punched me. Once he is done examining me he nods, the sound of handcuffs clicking open causes me to turn towards the Joker. I jerk in fright as I see him watching me darkly. A lady comes behind the Joker and starts to cuff him. One was able to click on when suddenly the Joker lunged at me. I screamed in fear as he tackled me to the ground, the air being knocked out of me. Gunshots whoosh overhead, but before anyone could hit their target I feel the second cuff click around my wrist and the Joker rolling onto his back, causing my stomach to land on his chest. I'm unable to move, trying to get air back into my lungs, but I do feel the Joker stand up, yanking me with, and grabbing my throat threateningly.

     "Cease fire! Cease fire!" Gordon shouts, raising his hand. The gunshots halt and I finally get enough air in my system to figure out what happened. I was handcuffed to the Joker as he held my throat. I look up at Gordon in panic as I start to silently cry.

     "Now, no funny business ya hear? Or I will snap this lovely lady's neck." Joker snarls, his grip tightening until it was hard to breathe. With my free hand, I reach up, trying to pry his hand off. The cops didn't move, conflicted. However the Joker solved their problem.

     "I will go with ya. But the girl comes to. She is my doctor after all." He sneers down at me.

     "Alright, put your hands up Joker." Gordon agrees. Joker raises his hands, yanking my right wrist up painfully with his. A cop quickly moves over, patting him down and removing the rest of the weapons. And with that, we were put in a cruiser, heading for the police station.

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