Chapter 1: The Mistake

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     In a person's life, they have a moment where they know that they fucked up. My life in particular has many. I could say the worst was when I was kicked out of my parents house because of my schooling choice. It could also be where I chose Gotham for college because of a boyfriend who dumped me right when I moved. Another example could be when I made friends with a dude named Trey who loves partying and breaking rules. But right now, I think this takes the medal. Here I am walking home, in the dark, in Gotham, lost. All I hear are sirens in the distance, and footsteps walking behind me. I could almost feel the person's breath on my neck they were so close. Walking faster, I try to make it to a gas station in the distance.

      Yes! I shouted in my head, starting to see people talking and mingling around the building, but, all too suddenly, another person in a white shirt stepped out of the alley I was walking next to. I slam right into them and feel their arms wrap around me dragging me into the darkness. I kicked and screamed, fighting to get away until the guy who was following me stuffed a cloth in my mouth. At this moment I knew I was fucked. Cold fear coursed through me as I was struggling to get free. The guy holding onto me yanked my arms behind me and tied them with his belt while the other guy yanked my legs together and tied them as well. When he let go of my legs, I took my chance and slammed my feet into his jaw.

     "You Bitch!" he shouts at me slamming me into a dumpster. I collapsed onto the cold ground gasping for air.

     "I'm gonna teach you not to fucking mess with me." He said, starting to unbutton his jeans. I tried to struggle more and get away when the guy in the white shirt grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground. Laying there stunned, I wasn't able to fight against the guy in front of me when he climbed on top of me, yanking my pants down in the process. I was only able to lay there lifeless while they were attacking me, until a gunshot sounded further into the alley before they could do anything worse. The two guys stopped and the one in the white shirt looked into the darkness and shouted,

     " Come out and we won't hurt you too badly!" Giggling sounded in the darkness making shivers go down my spine.

     " Now-ah, is that any way to treat a lady?" The voice says.

     "Come out asshole, so I can teach you who you messin with!" Shouts the guy on top of me. Out from the darkness slowly saunters out a man of nightmares. The black shoes lead up to a green and purple suit, and it's all finished off by a painted Glasgow grin. I feel the guy on top of me gasp and tense, as well as see the other guy start to back up.

     "I-I Thought you were gonna teach me a lesson-ah." The Joker cackles at the two guys stepping closer, and that's when I see the gun in his hand raise to point at the guy. Before I could even flinch a gunshot goes off and the guy falls right next to me. I start to cry harder, shaking in terror, so does the guy on top of me. He falls over and sputters out an apology,

     "P-please boss, we- we uh didn't know she was yo-"

     " Ah- ah- ah." The Joker tuts shaking his finger at the terrified guy.

     " You- uh know the rules big guy. So don't go ah-round making excuses." Once again there was a bang and the guy fell over dead. That means I'm alone in the alley with the Joker, which made me petrified. I close my eyes in fear as footsteps come closer to me.

     "Hey, open your eyes huh. What can some eyelids- uh do for yah." I hear the Joker say tapping my face with his foot. I slowly open my eyes looking directly at him. Tears come out faster now and I'm pretty sure that it's the last face I'll ever see. His eyes narrow in annoyance as he crouches down over me.

     "Now now, don't be ah whiner, I hate whiners. All they do- uh is scream and cry." he says, slapping my face lightly. I try my best to calm down with shaky breaths as he stares at me smiling.

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