I just want to focus

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I'm supposed to be able to write fluff? Not just angst? Whoops

Florida has probably done the "I have a stack of sketchbooks but I can never use them" thing at some point

Cali has written at least one fanfic before

Florida has twitter for cursed memes, shit posting, making fun of the others, and talking shit about everyone else for the hell of it

New York knows about the twitter and is usually one of the first people to reply 

I want to see them play human fall flat/dead by daylight

[in dead by daylight] 

Florida: I'm gonna suck your fingers

California: You what

Florida: [puts him on the hook] come get your fingers sucked

California: please tell me that isn't what your killer does

Florida, after killing him: Finger licking good

Florida: Speaking of, you know they-

New York: I'm gonna stop you there, shut up

or like

[in human fall flat]

Florida: [climbs in a dumpster] Loui- Loui-

Florida: [sticks his arms up] push me

Louisiana: [pushes the dumpster off a cliff]

The others, who were trying to finish the level: [really?]

Them playing prop hunt and it's just:

Florida, who has not seen anyone yet: Oh hey Cali

California: [goes back] where-

Florida: Bye Cali

California: I don't-

Florida: Oh hey New York

New York: throw the grenade

[props win!]

Florida: Cool, I was the bike, y'all didn't go outside

California: God damn it

Do you think there's ever been an argument on y'all vs ya'll

Florida laughs at horror movies and it freaks the fuck out of the others

On the subject of horror movies, who prefers psychological horror and who prefers jumpscares? 

Colorado plays fnaf

Florida can't focus in meetings or do the actual game, but he's found every Korok seed in breath of the wild and all 46 treasure charts in windwaker

Cali found all the gear in breath of the wild and was then disappointed at how easy ganon was

Florida just skipped all the gear, did the side quest, and killed ganon with the crappiest gear possible

Florida's acnh island is filled with alligator villagers, has a five star rating, and the most confusing layout Cali has ever seen

New York and Alaska pretend to believe conspiracies just to start fights

Them knowing multiple languages gives so many opportunities 

Florida: Wait what's the word for

Florida: uh

Florida: You know when the snail doesn't have a home

California: a fucking slug??

or them using the grammar/an expression from their native language then stopping because "oh, that wasn't right, was it?"

They ask how to say something in their native language to someone that doesn't know

and the person just gives a blank stare because there's no way for them to answer

Florida is a visual thinker and has words for specific feelings/images but if someone doesn't get it immediately it'll take him like 12 minutes after to figure out how to explain

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