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He sighs, stepping into his office and shutting the door behind him. He sits down, burying his head in his hands. He just wanted to sleep, but there was work to be done. 

"You did great today :)" There's a small post-it note on top of the papers on his desk. He can't recognize the handwriting (as much as he'd like to) so he settles on putting it in one of the drawers. If he was a bit more upbeat than usual, no one commented. 


He huffs, trying to reach a glass for coffee before going back to work. 

"You need to get some sleep >:(" He had finally managed to get the cup and went to start his coffee when he noticed another post-it note, on top of the coffee maker. He grins, moving to put the note in his pocket. He just needed to get a bit more done and then maybe he could sleep. 


"Nice outfit :)" He smiles, moving the note to the drawer. He'd forgotten to add his clothes to the washing machine the night before and couldn't wear a suit to the meeting. 

They're mocking you

He sits straighter, he had work to do. 


He'd started getting used to the small notes. He didn't think he'd ever get a chance to tell them, but the notes really helped him. 

They stopped suddenly, had he done something wrong? 

He had too much work to worry about it. He just had to focus. 

Why would anyone actually care about you?

No one likes you

He just had a little bit more and he could sleep. 

"Come be lonely with me? (I'm in the living room)" 

He pauses, staring at the note on his pillow. He could've sworn his door was locked. He wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway, may as well get some coffee to make up for it. 

He walks down as quietly as he can, hoping to avoid waking anyone. 

Don't need them to hate you more.

He stops, he should just go back to bed, pretend he didn't see the notes. They were probably a joke anyway. 

"I made you coffee!" He blinks, surprised to see Florida standing in front of him. "That was louder than I intended, sorry." He's looking down, still holding the cup out for DC. 

"Uh...Thank you" He takes the cup and follows Florida to the couch where there's a mountain of pillows and blankets. 

"What's with the notes?"

"You seemed a lot more stressed lately, so I figured I'd just tell you those things instead of holding onto it...but I forgot to sign it the first time, then the next, pretty much all of them."

"So...you meant it?" Florida stills and he wishes he'd just stayed quiet. 

"'course I meant it" Florida replies, picking at the loose strings from his hoodie 

He smiles, shifting to see the TV better, "What are we watching?"

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