turtles are actually rabbits

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'This holiday's stupid anyway' Alabama thinks to himself, watching Indiana's eyes light up at the sight of a notification. He didn't care about whoever Indiana was dating and he certainly didn't wish it were him making Indiana's eyes light up like that.

He's about to turn away when Ohio walks over to Indiana, beaming, and whispers something to him. He turns away when Ohio glances over, hoping the other doesn't comment on how he was staring.

When he does glance back over, Ohio is walking over, Indiana trailing after and holding Ohio's hand.

"Would you two be the OH to my IO?" He asks with a grin.

Ohio smirks at how Alabama sputters, flush rising to his cheeks and Indiana is beaming as he grabs Alabama's hand.

"We'd love to-"

"Wait-" Alabama's blush deepens, "I'm not- I mean-"

Indiana gives him a soft smile and wraps an arm around his shoulder, "there's nothing wrong with it, no one's gonna care." He plants a kiss on the other's cheek

"and if they do, we'll give 'em hell, I'm sure we could take at least one state." Ohio gives him a small thumbs-up and Alabama grins nervously in response.

"Can- can I-" Ohio grins at him and leans forward, letting him close the distance. 

When they pull away, Alabama pulls them both into his sides, how'd he get so lucky? 

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