Extra concepts

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Arizona would have Geokinesis - control, manipulate, create, generate and reshape or shape earth/rocks/stones

and probably Terrakinesis - control, manipulate and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain and landscape at will.

This takes a lot of energy and most of the time leaves him in pain for days after

I feel like DC would have telepathy and be able to see/read/hear people's thoughts 

But I also feel like he would be evil with his money

Having a bunch of tech he uses for the wrong reasons and taking money from people who need it more just because he wants it

This concept is also kind of funny because there's the thought of him dealing with Florida after only fighting Cali 


Florida showing up while Cali's down with a fever

and DC thinking it'll be easy to take Florida out and Florida just disables his tech

so DC has to make tech to deal with Florida (insulated stuff so Florida can't just disable it immediately), more to deal with Cali (the original tech so it wouldn't just melt) and more to deal with Alaska (tech that can heat itself so Alaska can't just freeze it)

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