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Alaska walks out after an hour of waiting, New York had fallen asleep on the couch. He sighs softly, wishing the other would take better care of himself. Alaska wraps a blanket around New York and picks him up.

"'S not that late," New York mumbles into Alaska's chest, "Was gonna go to bed soon anyway."

Alaska hums, smiling softly, "I'm sure."

"I would've-" New York cuts himself off with a yawn, "would've gone to bed."

Alaska sets him down on the bed and takes his hat and coat, tossing them on a chair by the door, "Well you're here now-"

New York curls into Alaska's side as he lays down, "I like you." 

Alaska feels himself flush, "Love you too." 

New York's grin widens when Alaska wraps an arm around him. 


Alaska: I never knew why people cared about their dumb boyfriends so much

Alaska: Until I got a dumb boyfriend of my own

Alaska, picking up New York: I've only had him for two days but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself

Alaska, carrying New York: This fell out of a tree

Alaska: And I love him

Alaska: So I'm keeping him

Mass: No-

New York: Finders keepers

New York: [flips Mass off]

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