Goodbyes And Hellos

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Since everyone else was either out, on the golf course or still sleeping, that last day of the Granger reunion Lyria Zabini came into her family's penthouse on the top floor of the hotel Dragon's rose in Miami. She saw her father still taking a nap on the couch in the living room. Lyria had her 2-year-old daughter Lia with her.

"Honey, do you want to wake grandpa up?" she asked Lia.

"He won't yell?" little one asked.

"I'll make sure he doesn't yell" Lyria smirked at her daughter and showed her her wand. Lia smilled at her mother  and wobbled over to the couch where the blonde man was resting. She climbed onto the couch and started crawling on the body resting there. Draco moved almost throwing Lia to the floor, but she managed to stay on his chest. She put her hands on his cheeks and yelled: "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Draco startled sat up straight all confused, when he saw Lia on the floor giggling and Lyria laughing.

"Did you have to do that? Can't a man rest in this family?" he asked looking at Lyria.

"You can. We just won't let you. Rosie and Bradley are still sleeping. But you'll be glad I woke you."

"And why is that? How can a man be happy to be woken up?" 

"Because I found out something on the embezzelment going on."

"Oh. Then say it. What have you found out?"

"Well you know Cormac McLaggen from your Hogwarts days?"

"Yes. What does he have to do with this?"

"Well, Lillith isn't his only child. Apparently he fathered anther child a few years before Lillith was born."

"I still don't get it" Draco looked at her confused.

"You would get it if you stopped interrupting. Well, remember Timothy, Cam's best friend from Hogwarts?"

"Yes. Timothy something. I never remembered that boy's name."

"It's McLaggen. Cam put him as manager. I dug up into his family's history. They are broke. His mother is ill and dying and they don't have money for her treatment. Timothy asked Cam for raise, but Cam didn't give it to him."

"Because it wasn't Cam's place to give a raise. All raises go through me. I don't remember seeing his request."

"Because Cam never sent it. According to him, Timothy had a good salary and was able to pay for the treatment. He never sent it because he believed Timothy had already payed for the treatment, but when I looked into it, money never came through."

"So you're saying Timothy McLaggen is the one taking the money. How did you find that out?"

"I did my research. No one suspected him because he was Cam's right hand and Cam trusted him fully. Ironicaly McLaggen was a Hufflepuff."

"Right. We have to schedule a meeting with him and Cam. If he gives back the money and payes with it the treatment, I'll go easy on him. I know how hard it is when your mother is sick." Draco remembered taking care of his mother when she fell into depression caused by the war before she had passed away.

"But you know today we're getting rid of the Grangers? So mum is going to surprise everyone at the dinner?"

"Oh yes. The dinner. What time is it?"

"Don't worry dad. You have time. Mum is out with Ginny and Pansy, others are playing golf. And Blaise and Tom are doing Merlin knows what."

The day has passed slowly. Draco spent it with his two youngest who wanted to hear their parents' story which he promised to fill in. Lyria and Lia joined them.

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