Sunrise (Sannokaga/Mikado Sannoji x Yuri Kagarin)

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"Yuri, my love, where on earth are we going?" Mikado sleepily asked. "Surely, there is no need to wake me so early in the morning."

"Trust me, my заклинатель, you will enjoy what I have to show you." Yuri smiled, leading the wizard from the car to a grassy hill overlooking a valley. At the top of the hill, the two of them sat down with Yuri on Mikado's lap.

After a few minutes, light began peaking in the distance. "Ah?" The wizard gasped. "Is this what you brought me here for?"

"Just wait, the good part will be coming soon." The spaceman promised. "It should hopefully be coming shortly..."

Soon, the sun came up halfway over the land in the distance. With the light, the colour of the sky was painted in light pastel colours of purple, orange, and pink. Yuri felt his boyfriend hold onto him tighter as the taller boy stared at the sunrise as if he was in a trance. "So, do you like it?" The Russian asked.

"...This is...truly magnificent..." The wizard breathed in ecstasy. "Thank you...I've never seen anything like this before..."

The spaceman had a feeling that he wouldn't be moving for a long time, so he nestled into Mikado's lap to get comfortable. As the two of them held onto each other with hope in their hearts, they watched the sun rise upon a new day.

Art credit: kagahashis on instagram

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