Smutish/Fluffish-RemRom- Revenge Part 2

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This is incest if you are uncomfortable with this just skip the chapter.

HERE'S YOUR PART 2 YOU HORNY BASTARDS! (This took so fucking long) (Also this is kinda rushed mostly towards the end because I just wanted to get it done)

Comic Relief Virgil
Dom: Roman
Sub: Remus

Remus was scrambling trough his drawers, he was looking for make up to cover up the marks on his neck that would give everything away. Then someone from behind him grabbed his waist and turned him. Around.

"I'm tired~" Roman whinned while burying his head into Remus's shoulder.

"Well that's your own fault," Remus said while turning back around and continued his search.

"What are you looking for Re?"


"But why~ You aren't covering up those pretty marks I gave you, are you?" Roman said teasing Remus. But it turned Remus on.

"Y-yes I am so the others don't find out,"

"So what if they find out what are they going to do about it?"


Remus gave up his search and shoved Roman out of his room.
Remus put on a black skirt that barley touched his middle thigh. He put on a cropped grey turtle neck. And topped it off with a green denim vest. Then he put on his favorite pair of platform boots which had green glitter all over.

He stepped out side to a very annoyed Roman.

"Took you long enough,"

"Keep it to yourself, princey~"

"Remus get your ass back here!"

Roman chased Remus through the mind palace passing all the others who where in the kitchen.

"They seem of had bonded while we where gone," Logan said as he took a sip of his coffee.

This didn't sit right with Virgil, he decided he was going to spy to see what was really going on. Soon he found the twins in a hallway a little to close for comfort. Virgil ducked behind a corner and listened to the conversation while watching them.
(Kinda creepy ngl)

"Now why are you wearing a turtle neck, you covered up my marks!" Roman said a little annoyed.

"Because I don't want to be judged, I don't want us to be judged," Remus said in a sincere tone.

"Remus, if we get judged then we'll deal with it, but we can't deni what happened yesterday, we love each other, more than brothers, if we get judged and all our friends leave us, at least we'll have each other," Roman said holding Remus's head in his hands.

"I guess your right, maybe we should tell them,"

"Ok we'll go tell them," Roman pulled Remus in a passionate kiss. Roman grabbed hold of Remus's hand and they started down the hallway to the kitchen.

Once they were gone Virgil finally breathed. He accepted them and he had just witnessed the cutest thing ever. Virgil sunk out and reappeared in the kitchen and little before Roman and Remus and entered hand in hand.

"Hey kiddos! Why are you holding hands?" Patton said looking at the twins when he noticed they were there.

"Well we wanted to tell you guys," Roman paused to look at Remus to confirm this was okay, Remus nodded and Roman continued, "That me and Remus are a couple and in love," The whole room fell silent all of the sides looking at the twins, except Virgil who was browsing on his phone.

✨Sanders Sides Smut,Angst,and Fluff✨ (Mostly Remus Tbh) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now