Smut-Demus, Intrulogical, Dukexiety, RemRom- The Mindpalce Whore

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Remus having sex with pretty much everyone (Sleeping around)
Master and Kitten kink
Shower Sex
Slut and Whore used

It was Saturday the day Patton always leaves the Mindpalce leaving the sides to do whatever. Saturdays where Remus's favorite, every Saturday was his 'Slut' day. He was know as the shore of the Mindpalce and every Saturday he slept with everyone, but first they fought over him.

"Remus dear~ why don't you come with me first this time~" Janus said when he was the first one the enter Remus's room that morning. Roman suddenly Rose up and tackled Remus.

"NO! I get him first, Right kitten?" Roman said as he started rubbing Remus.

"Roman! You had him first last week, it's my turn!" Virgil said as he rose up trying to pull Roman off of Remus, which was silently moaning softly enough were no one could hear.

"You all are children, of course he wants to go with me first," Logan said as he walked in behind Janus.

They all fought a while Remus started rubbing himself being really turned on by them fighting over him. Remus started moaning louder, rubbing himself faster, and faster. Until he let out a big moan signaling he had came. All the sides look at him realizing what they did to him.

"I got myself first, bitches now, Janus you can go first, master," Remus said, then all the sides except Janus sunk out.

"You get turned on by us fighting over you, don't you kitten?" Janus said walking over to Remus, and holding his checks.

"What about it? Can't I be the slut I am once in a while?" Remus said with a cocky smile tilting his head.

"Whatever, remember we each only get an hour each with you and you get 15 minute break in between us to calm down and get cleaned up, then at the end of the day we have a movie night, got it?" Janus said starting to take Remus's pants off.

"Yes, yes I know just hurry up I'm horny!" Remus said getting impatient, getting a laugh from Janus.

Janus took off his own and Remus's pants. Janus didn't have boxers on not bothering to put the on this morning know full well what today was. Russell had a green thing on was soaked in cum already. Janus pried it off, Janus then took Remus's full length into his mouth at once which caught Remus off guard and made Remus moan loud.
Remus grabbed Janus hair and pulled making Janus moan, vibrating Remus's body make him moan as well. Janus started bobbing bup and down. Swirling his tongue around Remus's tip.

"Fuck Janus I forgot how good you are with your mouth~" Remus half moaned enjoying this. Janus then let go of some of Remus's length and started jacking Remus off while sucking. This made Remus melt into a moaning drooling mess. Janus did this because he knew his time was running short and he wanted to make Remus cum before he left. Remus came with a loud moan of Janus's name. Remus was panting like a dog, Janus said good bye and then left Remus to get cleaned up. When Janus went down stairs he wasn't surprised. Roman was drinking a beer in the corner, Virgil was basically asleep listening to music and Logan was reading a book.

Remus got up after Janus left and got ready for the next person. He cleaned up, got a new thing, and put on his sluttiest outfit which barley covered anything. Logan came up after 15 minutes, and immediately pinned Remus to the wall.

"Logan, fuck, please Janus only sucked me off I want more contact," Remus whispered in Logan's ear. Logan grabbed Remus's ass and squeezed making Remus mewl.

"Logan, make me moan out your name, make me beg for mercy, I know you can you've done it before, god please," Remus whispered grinding into Logan.

Logan pinned Remus to the bed snapped his fingers and suddenly they were both butt naked. Logan slammed into Remus, making Remus moan loud, practically a scream. Logan started slamming into Remus brutaly, making Remus scream his name, being in so much pain and pleasure. He was in paradise. He was so disappointed when their time was up and he was so close to cumming. Once Logan left, Remus knew who was next. He turned the shower on and got the water perfect and then waited for his next appointment. Roman came running in, went to the bathroom and immediately stripped then pushed Remus in the shower and started making out with him. Roman started pumping Remus's dick making Remus moan in the making out. Remus came after a little still built up from Logan.

"You and me are going to this again tonight got it?" Roman told Remus before their time was up. Remus got ready for Virgil that last person.

Virgil walked in and didn't see Remus. Remus came out of no were and pounced on Virgil.

"Virgil please let me ride you I need it so fucking bad!" Remus begged.

Virgil let him knowing he wouldn't have to do much. Virgil took of him pants and boxers and let Remus ride. Remus started slow but eventually gained speed. Remus moaned loudly pleasuring himself. Soon their time was up. Virgil help Remus clean up and get down stairs.

When he got down everyone was gentle with him, they all cuddled watching movies.

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