xxiii. the rocky horror glee show

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Season Two. Episode Five. The Rocky Horror Glee Show

WITH NOAH PUCKERMAN STILL IN JUVIE THE NEW DIRECTIONS WERE STILL A MAN DOWN. Though she would never admit it, Ruby missed seeing that stupid mohawk in the choir room. Granted Ruby thought it might be because she had no one to throw her irritation at and not have someone come for her weave for it but Ruby was actually missing his stupid face.

Pulling up a seat next to Santana, the two brunettes instantly fell into hushed whispers as they gossiped. Ruby loved everyone in this room but after joining the glee club on a whim, to distract Finn from the impending baby drama. Ruby actually was very grateful it brought her closer to Santana as the brunette realised very early on that she'd die for her friends and underneath that hard exterior was a heart and if there was anyone you could go to for a rant without being judged it was the Latina.

Mr Schue entered the choir room with an alarmingly large grin on his face and it brought the two girls' whispers to a halt. "Great news everyone! I've had a little inspiration. This week's musical lesson isn't really a lesson." he said, the rest of the room speaking in excited whispers.

"Please be Grease!"  Ruby held up her crossed fingers, "I need to get my Rizzo on!" 

"Girl, you'd be incredible!"  Santana said in a whispered praise.

"Rocky Horror!"  He called out excitedly.

Raising her hand quickly, Rachel was the first to respond. "While I admire your choice of the groundbreaking seventies musical, aren't you a little worried that the adult themes might be a bit controversial?"

"Isn't that the whole point of the arts?"  Mr Schue challenged her, "Pushing boundaries, doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self expression? I got it all figured out. I cut out some of the more risqué sections"  He said holding up some papers. "And I'm sending home permission slips to all of your parents to make sure that they're okay with it. And we're going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to Nationals in New York!"

"Okay, let's talk about casting!"  Mr Schue began.

"Finn and I will play Brad and Janet!"  Rachel blurted out almost too quickly for anyone to stand a chance to say anything.

"Sam I'd like you to play the role of the creature."

"From the Black Lagoon?"  He asked confused.

"Rocky! He's like the Frankenstein character but blonde. You'll kill the part."  Quinn reassured him with a bright smile. "He's cute. Just like you!"

"Better start working on those abs!"  Santana teased him.

"Are you kidding me? You could cut glass with these babies."  Sam said proudly. "I have no problem showing off my body.

"Mmm I bet you could!"  Ruby hummed quietly to herself but it didn't go unnoticed by Santana who nudged her violently in the ribs.

"What? I'm a woman, I have eyes! He's cute!"  Ruby shrugged.

"Alright!"  Mr Schue exclaimed happily, "Looks like we got ourselves a show!"  Everybody cheered loudly before he continued. "Everyone stay behind so I can give out the rest of the parts."

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