xxvi. furt

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Season Two. Episode Eight. Furt

RUBY CARTER ALWAYS GOT HERSELF PULLED INTO ALL SORTS OF WERID SITUATIONS AND FIGHTS THAT SHE DOESN'T WISH TO BE APART OF. But what she didn't expect this morning as she made her way from home room was to be accosted by a giddy Carole Hudson and forced into linking arms with both Kurt and herself with no explanation whatsoever. After all her questions went ignored, Ruby just shut up and just let Carole and Burt drag the both of them through the corridors to find Finn Hudson.

"Ohh. What's going on?"  Finn asked as he looked at the four of them confused. Carole and Burt both beaming, Ruby and Kurt both actually none the wiser about it as he currently was. "Is this one of those interventions?"

"If it is, it's for all of us. They bombarded me and forced me to bring them to you."

"Yeah and your mum jumped on me on the way out of home room and here I am!  Ruby gestured in surprise.

"Okay, come on. Tell em'!" Burt told Carole excitedly.

The three teenagers watched the two adults argue over who was going to tell the three of them, whatever it was that was that important, they had accosted their kids at school. The three of them were totally unaware of what was about to happen, when Carole won their little argument and Burt proceeded to tell them the news.

"So you know how I drive Carole to work every Tuesday. Well today I drove here and we snuck into that classroom where Kurt introduced us. Very romantic of me, I might add and..."

"HE PROPOSED! HE PROPOSED!!!"  Carole started screaming.

"You stole the punch line."  Burt teased her.

"What?!!" Ruby screamed.

"Wow. This just happened?"  Finn didn't sound so excited and it caused Ruby to cast her attention from Carole and Burt who were sharing a sweet kiss to her best friend. Confused as to why he wouldn't be excited for his Mum.

"Ohhhh Dad!"  Kurt gushed as he and Ruby admired the ring.

"We wanted you three to be the first to know!"

"After the kids in that home room." Burt laughed, "Come on family hug! Ahhh come on!"  Burt's excitement infectious as he brought the four of them into a group hug.

"I'm so excited and nervous."  Carole admitted.

"Don't be! Don't be! Oh my god, this is just what I needed. I will take care of it from here. I have a trunk of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. I'm thinking of a russet and cognac theme. Those a colours Finn. Fall wedding colours. Autumnal."

"Nothing too extravagant Kurt, okay? We're going to use whatever savings we have and spending it on the honeymoon. That's right! We're going to Waikiki. We're gonna go to the hotel where they put up the guest stars on Lost."  

"Finn. You haven't said anything."  Carole said as she reached for her son.

"I guess. I'm just kind of stunned." 

"Don't worry, I'm already looking into extending the house so everybody gets their own rooms, alright."  Burt tried to lighten the mood.

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