xviii. journey to regionals

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Season One. Episode Twenty Two. Journey to Regionals

AFTER RECOVERING FROM THEIR SHOWDOWN WITH VOCAL ADRENALINE AND WINNING MAY THEY ADD!  The buzz of winning the 'funk off' and feeling good about Regionals quickly went out the window as soon as they learnt that Sue was one of the celebrity judges due to her position on the local news station. The New Directions were once again so depressed about the upcoming competition that no one was touching the pizza that Mr Schue had ordered for them at their setlist selection meeting.

Slinking further into her seat next to Mike, Ruby really wasn't feeling anything other than pure sadness knowing that this probably was the last time they would all hang out together before everyone went back to there respective McKinley High pecking order.

Walking back into his living room with Quinn, Mr Schue looked mildly baffled as he took in their solemn expressions and their awkward silence. "No one wants any pizza?"  When he was greeted with silence he took initiative and moved on quickly, "Alright, well let's get started. Thank you for coming to the first annual New Directions Regional setlist nominations party."

"What's the point Mr Schue? Coach Sylvester's one of the judges. She's gonna crush us."  Artie said so morosely, Ruby physically felt her heart shatter and it nearly made her cry.

"Artie. You don't know that!"  Mr Schue tried to stay positive.

"Yes. We do. She told us at Cheerios practice."  Santana sighed.

"Yeah. She said I'm going to crush glee club."  Brittany told them bluntly.

"A whole freaking year! All that hard work, for nothing!"  Puck let out an annoyed huff just as Tina started sobbing.

"I'm sorry!"  Tina whimpered, "I just really love you guys. You know how many Facebook friends I had before I joined glee club?  -- Two. My parents. Rachel was right being part of something special, it made me special. I just can't believe it's going to be over in a week."  

Tina let out another sob. Peeking over his shoulder to look at the brunette, Puck caught onto the sadness in Ruby's eyes but she was more bothered about their friend who was crying her heart out and sent him a 'do something' look. Puck awkwardly rubbed Tina's back to try comfort her but Ruby didn't think it was really doing anything, if she was being totally honest.

"Wait. Who says it's gonna be over?"  Finn sat up abruptly.

"Please. You think Puck and Santana are gonna even acknowledge my existence once, we're not in glee club together anymore?"  Mercedes posed to Finn.

"She has a point."  Puck said quietly but not quietly enough, Ruby backhanded the back of his shoulder before settling her head back on Mike's shoulder and into his awaiting arms, where she had been all night.

"Mr Schuester do you think instead of nominating songs we can just -- all go around the room and talk about things that we loved about glee club this year?"  Rachel started sobbing and Mr Schue knew they were in for a long night.


AFTER ONE MILD BREAKDOWN IN HIS CAR, MR SCHUE HAD AN EPIPHANY AND SO THE NEW DIRECTIONS HAD A SETLIST FOR REGIONALS.  Despite being all songs that were released about a decade before they were born, Ruby did in fact love those songs and was ready to be up on that stage and singing Journey with her friends. Then they actually got to Regionals.

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