xlii. asian f

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Season Three. Episode Three. Asian F

BOOTY CAMP WAS OFFICIALLY IN FULL SWING. Now that Quinn was back, as was Santana after she reassigned her allegiance to the glee club behind Sue's back. Not that Santana needed the dance practice but it was nice to have her back in the thick of things as they prepared for Sectionals. Counting them down from the front, Ruby watched on as Mike went over the moves again before setting them off one by one to complete the choreography.

"You're late." Mr Schue pointed out when he noticed Mercedes gingerly join the rest of them, their attention now on the girl too.

"I know. I overslept."

"It's four thirty in the afternoon." Quinn voiced everyone's thoughts in confusion and Ruby glanced in her direction and rolling her eyes at the her newest excuse.

"My alarm clock went off thirty minutes late this morning. It kinda shifted my whole schedule." Her tone sheepish before turning on the cheerleader, "Anyway, what's Santana doing here?"

"I've re-sworn my allegiance to the glee club without telling Coach Sue."

"Mercedes, I'll catch you up." Mike said taking charge after taking one look at an unimpressed Ruby. However her dancing didn't last long, as after one pivot Mercedes went running for nearest bin to dry heave into. Thankfully, Mr Schue went to check on her because Ruby surely was not in the mood for the nonsence today.

"Mercedes, you okay?"

"My stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Why are you babying her?" Santana asked as she stepped beside Ruby, mirroring her stance and crossing her arms over her chest. "I mean, she can't do three steps without puking cause she ate at Quiznos before she showed up in his joint."

"Mr Schue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, glee club and booty camp, when else am I supposed to eat?" Mercedes started whining.

"When the rest of us do." Santana and Ruby said in sync, bluntly.

"Oh, like you two eat!"

Mercedes snapped at the two cheerleaders, shocking the rest of their friends before Mr Schue defended the pair. "It's not about eating. It's about attitude. Sectionals are coming up and if we don't give it our all..."

"I am doing my best."

"Are you though?" Ruby asked, genuinely concerned that Mercedes thought this was what 'the best' looked like. Mr Schue shot her a glance and Ruby lifted her hands in surrender before making her way over to Puck and slipping under his arm as Mr Schue turned back to the dramatic moans of Mercedes Jones.

"No. You're not. It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better." He snapped. The glee club all sharing the same worried look with one another, this was going to be a long road to Sectionals.


TINA HAD GRABBED RUBY ON THE WAY OUT OF HOME ECONOMICS, insisting that she was the only other person that Mike would listen to. And with the shared interests at heart regarding Mike being able to shine on stage, Ruby happily tagged along to speak to him and offer some assistance in the dance studio in preparation for his audition.

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