xl. the purple piano project

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Season Three. Episode One. The Purple Piano Project

RUBY CARTER WAS BACK AT MCKINLEY AND READY TO TAKE HER JUNIOR YEAR BY STORM. Firmly back in her Cheerios uniform; the brunette moved freely throughout the corridors of McKinley with both Santana and Brittany at her side, as they were back on top as they should be. Being the top bitches in Cheerios and being on the football team however did not exempt them from the slushee throwing from the hockey team or abuse from Jacob Ben Israel who was already making the rounds around the halls of McKinley.

"Here we have one of the Cheerios' top bitches; Ruby Carter. What are your plans for Senior year?"  Jacob thrust the microphone in her face as he tried to keep up with her pace, bombarding her in between second and third period.

"I'm only a Junior but if you most know I plan to bring both the Cheerios and glee club to a win at Nationals. Now get out of my way Israel."  Ruby carried on walking, attempting to block out his excessive questioning.

"Would you like to answer some more of my questions?"


"I'm going to ask you anyway."  He asked as he ran after the Cheerio.

"The answer is still no Jacob."

"How do you feel about lusting after Hobo McBieber only for him to have eyes for Mercedes Jones instead?"

"Leave me alone Jacob!"

"Okay, care to answer this. Rumour has it you got over the blonde Bieber by switching up lovers. My sources tell me you spent a lot of time this summer with fellow Cheerio Santana Lopez?"  He probed.

"She's my best friend, perv!"  Ruby scoffed as she stopped outside her locker; yanking it open and rummaging through it so she didn't have the urge to punch Jacob in the face.

"Or what about the word on the street that you're McKinley man whore Noah Puckerman's latest conquest?"

Finally sick of playing nice, Ruby spun on the balls on her feet to give the boy a verbal beat down but saw Puck already standing behind him and did nothing but smirk at the excessively annoying boy . "Ohhh wouldn't you like to know?"  Prodding him on the shoulder, Jacob whipped round to come face to face with an unimpressed Puck and gulped as the older boy stared him down.

Saying not a single word; Puck moved round the now terrified boy and swung an arm over the brunette's shoulder. "He's not bothering you, is he Princess?"  He asked dramatically, glaring at Jacob.

Leaning in closer to his body, Ruby rested her hand on his chest, "He just won't leave me alone. All he's done is pester me since he jumped me outside of second period."  Ruby sniffed dramatically as she tried to hide her face in Puck's side.

Jacob's eyes went wide as Puck took a step in front of her, "Beat it Jacob Ben Dweeb before I rearrange your face for harassing my girl."  He scowled, jolting forward as if to head butt the boy and Jacob squealed in fright before scrambling away with his camera man without another word.

Grinning as Puck turned to face her, the boy brought her into his arms. The pair laughing at the pure fear in his eyes. Puck casually leant down and pecked the laughing girls lips. 

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