xxxvi. rumours

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Season Two. Episode Nineteen. Rumours

RUBY WAS HANGING OUT IN THE CHOIR ROOM WITH SOME OF THE OTHER NEW DIRECTIONS. Happily watching Sam try out some new impressions he thought his little brother and sister might like when Finn came storming through the choir room door all guns blazing,  waving the stupid school newspaper around and shouting at Sam.

"What the hell is this, dude? What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret moonlight motel rendezvous with another big lipped blondie?"

"Where does it say that?"  Sam panicked as he grabbed the newspaper.

"Right on the front page of the school newspaper!"  

Ruby stood when Finn started raising his voice and pushed his way past Puck to get to Sam, "You don't seriously believe this, do you?"  Quinn asked as Ruby got to him and grabbing his hand, her thumb immediately rubbing back and forth over the back of his hand in a hurried effort to calm him down.

"Well, why shouldn't I? Why wouldn't he do the same thing that I did to him?"  He shouted at Sam, shaking his hand out of Ruby's in anger.

"Finn."  The brunette warned him quietly. Shocked at how quickly his anger was escalating and that her usual trick didn't seem to be working too well.

"Because it's gossip, Finn."  Quinn said shortly as she tried to reassure him.

When Santana came all guns blazing through the door next, "This is your fault!"  She started shouting at Brittany. "You told everyone that I played for an other team on your ridiculous melted cheese show!"

"Wait, are you mad? You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios and now you're only in the New Directions."  Brittany told her innocently.

"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?"  Santana retaliated, returning back to shouting at the blonde.

"I swear, I'm going to punch your face off!"  Finn then started screaming, shoving Sam backwards.

"Hey, you got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating. When you're the one who snuck in and stole my girl."  Sam shoved him back.

Quinn and Ruby instantly decided to jump in the middle, trying to hold the two boys back and stopping them from beating the shit out of one another when Mr Schue came running into to break up the fight.

"FINN!"  Ruby shouted as she stood in front of Sam protectively.

"Now you're on his side?"  Finn challenged her in disbelief.

"Hey,  Finn. Where are you going? We've got rehearsals!"

"Not today!" 

Finn shouted over his shoulder at Mr Schue before storming out and Ruby sighed as they were left with the impending fall out in glee club once again.


RUBY BRUSHED OUT STACEY EVANS' HAIR AS SHE GOT THE SIBLINGS READY FOR BED. Stevie already tucked up in bed as he watched the older girl finishing plaiting his sister's hair before his sister too, got under the covers. Leaning over the bed, Ruby pressed a sweet kiss to both their foreheads just as Sam made his way through the door from work.

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