xxxvii. prom queen

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Season Two. Episode Twenty. Prom Queen

NOW THAT RUBY CARTER HAD A DATE FOR PROM, SHE WAS RATHER EXCITED ABOUT GOING DRESS SHOPPING WITH HER FRIENDS. Having choosing to skip going to prom last year amidst all the drama between the glee club, Ruby was excited to go to her first prom and to be going with Sam Evans. Sitting; wedged between Kurt and Brittany, Ruby was ready to try on some prom dresses with her friends.

"Ladies, I appreciate you welcoming me into the sacred inner sanctum that is the prom gown dry run."

"Why did we decide to include Kurt?" Brit voiced her confusion.

"Because getting a look past him is like getting a thumbs up from Joan and Melissa Rivers. It just might goose our pre-prom buzz factor." Tina told her, much to Kurt's glee.

The four of them waited as Lauren stepped out from behind the divider, Ruby's jaw dropped as she took in the vision. "I look like a lemon meringue pie."  She sighed.

"I think you look delicious."

"Don't despair. Nobody bigger than a size two looks good in a prom dress. I mean, they're practically designed to make us look awkward."

"I think it's the design? Maybe the yellow?"  Ruby tilted her head as she looked at her, hoping she'd take the advice on board.

"I agree, I think the colour is wrong. Let's go navy!" Kurt suggested, as we all agreed as Lauren took her leave. "It's chic and sliming!"

"Duly noted!" Lauren grinned.


Everyone gasped as Santana stepped out in a gorgeous red number, an absolute goddess in in red. Santana did a twirl as the friends all spoke their approval on the number. "Devil in a red dress! Perfect and it's totally appropriate for your personality. I have no criticisms. Go with God, Satan. Santana!"

"Now, I believe it's just our little Bee who needs to find the perfect dress?" Kurt addressed the girl beside him.

"And I have the perfect dress. That will of course complement mine." Santana grinned as she extended her hand for Ruby to take. Pulling the younger girl up and dragging her behind the divider to help her get into the dress she had found whilst searching for her own.

Stepping back out, Santana grinned at her friends. "You guys. Are not. Ready!"  She teased before stepping to the side and Ruby stepped into their eye line.

Jaw's dropped and nothing was said, causing Ruby to shuffle awkwardly on her feet. "Do I really look that bad?"

"You are a vision!" Kurt gasped.

"Truly! Trouty Mouth won't know what's hit him!" Santana beamed.

After a successful prom dress fitting, Ruby found herself busily at her locker to get her books for next period when there was a small knock on her locker door. Confused, Ruby peered around the door to find Rachel sending her a sheepish smile.

"I owe you an apology. I shouldn't of pulled you into all the drama last week, I think we were all just so busied with rumours and the drama that I lost the rational thinking part of me. Can you forgive me?"

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