xiv. bad reputation

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Season One. Episode Seventeen. Bad Reputation

THE GLEE CLUB WERE GETTING A REP AND NOT THE GOOD KIND. To be quite frank, the glee club was one currently one hot mess. Hostility was once again on the rise thanks to the 'Glist' that had been posted in the halls. A list that was awarding points for who was hot and who was not. This piece of paper had caused all sorts of havoc for the glee club in and out of the choir room and Ruby knew they were about to be reprimanded for it even though none of them had anything to do with it.

Ruby wanted to say something but secretly she was quite happy and pleasantly surprised on where she ranked on this list. Mr Schue held up the piece of paper and looked extremely pissed off. "Who did it? This is serious! Principal Figgins is threatening to disband the club."

"Why are we playing this game?" Santana piped up from beside Ruby, already fed up of this interrogation. "We all know it's Puck."

"Back off! I didn't do squat!"

"Then why is your girlfriend first on the Glist?" Tina fired at him.

"And why am I last? Aside from the fact that I refused to put out for you!" Rachel huffed.

"If we're playing by those rules. Why the hell am I joint second with Santana? That makes literally zero sense!"

"Oh please we all know it's because he wants a piece of your hot ass!" Santana nudged her playfully. A scowl flying across Finn's face as his gaze flashed between the girls and Puck who's only reaction was rolling his eyes at Santana's confession.

"Okay enough! No one is accusing anyone of doing anything --  Puck seriously did you do it?" Mr schue asked.

"I said no!" Puck snapped, "I'm a delinquent, sure. I like setting stuff on fire and beating up people I don't know. I own that. But I'm not a liar."

"Alright. Here's the important point. Between this and posting Coach Sylvester's personal video to youtube, you guys are getting a pretty bad reputation."

"Why is that such a bad thing? Maybe if we seem more dangerous, people will stop flushing my glasses down the toilet." Artie told them.

"Artie!" Ruby gasped, turning to him. Her heart broke as she found out they people were doing that to him.

"Look I know things are hard right now. I get it, you're under a lot of pressure with Regionals coming up. And I know that winning Sectionals hasn't had a positive effect on your popularity that a lot of you thought it would but becoming what you despise isn't the answer." Mr Schue told them as he handed out sheet music.

"Man this song is wack!" Mercedes mumbled.

"No, it's not! It's a terrific song on a list of top hits that because of time or some bad press has become a joke. And like you guys, it's time to start rehabilitating it's bad reputation. The assignment for the week is for all of you to find songs like this, mine them for what works and makes them great again. Then hopefully, you can apply this musical lesson to your own lives."

"Yeah Mr Schue this is song is still terrible!" Ruby interjected.

"Yeah, this song should be arrested for the crime of sucking!" Jesse threw out there before glancing over his shoulder and sending her a smile in support. What his smile didn't do however was stop Mr Schue from rapping!

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