vi. vitamin d

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Season One. Episode Six. Vitamin D

IF MR SCHUE HADN'T TOLD THE NEW DIRECTIONS WHO THEY WERE UP AGAINST AT SECTIONALS. Ruby thought the group would have had more energy to be working towards winning their first Sectionals. But alas the show choir director had already told them they had basically won which quite frankly was overly optimistic and insane to tell them. Since telling his kids this, the lack of motivation between the thirteen of them had plummeted drastically.

Striding into the choir room Mr Schue started to put up random pictures on the board before enthusiastically shouting "Competition!" before gesturing towards the pictures again. "Every one of these people or elements were a champion in their own right. But they used competing with each other to make them selves even better."

"I don't understand how lightning is in a competition with an above ground swimming pool" Kurt put his hand up, to raise his point.

"You guys just need to go with it. You've become complacent. You were great at the invitational but you got to up your game if you want to win Sectionals. Split up! Guys on the left side. Girls on the right. Let's go!"

Mr Schue clapped his hands enthusiastically as the rest of the room begrudgingly started to move to their respective sides of the room. Mike gently removed his hand from Ruby's which was resting on his lap and jumped up from his seat. Following suit Ruby jokingly pushed him towards the boys before joining the girls and linking arms with Santana.

"Right. Here's the deal. Two teams: Boys Vs Girls. One week from today you will each perform a mash up of your choice. A mash up is when you take two songs and mash them together to create and even richer explosion of musical expression. Boys will perform Tuesday and the girls the next day. I want you to go all out okay; costumes, choreography. Whoever wins gets to choose the number for Sectionals!"

Glancing at Santana out the corner of her eye, the two friends sent a smirk towards one another. This was easy, the girls were obviously going to win. The boys were destined to lose because they were all as lazy as one another. Looking over her shoulder, she caught Finn's eye who was peering over the scrum of boys, before gesturing to his eyes and then back at Ruby with a smirk.

Ruby rolled her eyes, prematurely getting cocky will get them no where and Ruby smirked before mouthing at her best friend from across the room.

"Oh it's on!"


TUESDAY HAD ROLLED AROUND QUICKER THAN THE NEW DIRECTIONS WOULD HAVE LIKED. Knowing that their motivation and energy to do most things recently had hit a new low, mixed with the laziness of the boys, the girls were sure they had this competition in the bag.

But nothing could have compared them for what they were about to witness. Quickly turning to one another Rachel and Ruby both shared a look before their jaws dropped in pure shock as they watched Finn all wide eyed and bushy tailed basically bounce his way through the opening line of the mash up. And then the rest of the boys turned round...

*It's My Life/Confessions performed by The Boys*

Clapping as the boys hit their ending, there was no denying that the performance was amazing but there was something not quite right. Ruby knew that and Rachel definitely knew that but what the hell was going on? So Ruby carried on politely applauding their efforts when Mr Schue stood up absolutely elated with their performance.

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