xxxii. blame it on the alcohol

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Season Two. Episode Fourteen. Blame It on the Alcohol

IT WAS ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK AT MCKINLEY HIGH. And in some strange turn of events, Puck had managed to persuade Rachel Berry into hosting a party whilst both of her Dad's were away. The glee club quite rightly, were very apprehensive about said party as they were all completely aware that Rachel could be a tad bit of a bore. So who knew if this would actually be a fun or not but only time would tell.

Ruby was completely and utterly bored out of her mind. There it is, the elephant in the room and she couldn't take it any longer. Everyone was sitting in utter silence as Sam and Santana made out in the corner and Ruby was pretty sure it'd be more fun to watch paint dry then spend another minute in Rachel Berry's basement. 

Ruby's was so bored she on the cusp of punching Puck in the face, purely just to feel something and he hadn't even done anything wrong, for once. Feeling bad without even saying anything, the brunette reached up to reach to cup the side of his face, sending him a sweet smile before clocking Finn, Kurt and Blaine descending the stairs and dropping her hand at the prospect of this shit show maybe looking up.

"Uhh. Let's go over the rules. Everybody get's two drink tickets to keep things from getting out of hand. We're serving wine coolers today. That is our specialty drink -- Actually that's all that we have."  Rachel trailed off as Blaine and Kurt made their way over to them, Kurt pressing a quick kiss to Ruby's cheek as Rachel started shouting at Brittany.

"Okay. Okay, everybody. Cheers!"

"Great party, Rachel. We got to run."  Ruby heard Artie say. The brunette whipping her attention in his direction with pleading eyes. Ohh they were not trying to get out of this without taking her with them.

"Yeah, dinner reservations."  Tina spoke softly.

"But, but we haven't even played Celebrity yet!"  Rachel exclaimed to her four leaving guests.

"Why is everybody leaving?"  Rachel's tone made Ruby feel bad that she literally wanted to be anywhere but this room. Her conscious suddenly feeling guilty that they were all willing to ditch her at a seconds notice, she got Puck's attention. 

"Puck!" Ruby hissed, "Do something, please."

"Because this party blows."

Ruby sighed, hitting Puck's arm in the process. "When I told you do something, this was not what I had in mind."  She hissed.

"I haven't even had my first sip yet. How am I supposed to write 'Both Sides Now' if I can't even throw a party?"

"Look if you want everyone to stay. You have to let me break into your Dad's liquor cabinet. No one's gonna get buzzed off two wine coolers. I'll replace it before they get home."  He reassured her before she nodded in agreement.



RUBY CARTER WASN'T ENTIRELY SURE HOW MUCH TIME HAD PASSED BUT SHE WAS HAVING A BLAST! In fact Ruby wasn't even entirely sure how much alcohol she had consumed but happily took the cocktail of liquor that Puck provided every time a new round was served. Borderline about to tip over from the tipsy territory into drunk territory, the brunette cheered with glee at the suggestion of body shots.

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