xiii. the power of madonna

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Season One. Fifteen. The Power of Madonna

THE GIRLS WERE ALL SAT IN THE CHOIR ROOM. Not necessarily enjoying each other's company as they were all doing their own thing but in each other's company nonetheless. Sitting quietly, Ruby let Santana paint her nails as they all took in the rare quiet time they had without the boys although I'm sure they all had some form of school work to be doing but Ruby was too busy enjoying the free manicure she was receiving to care.

"Can I ask you guys something private?"

Ruby looked up to see Rachel literally on the edge of her seat and looking distressed about whatever it is she wanted advice on. Choosing to speak on behalf of the girls Santana went in the opposite direction of helpful and Ruby smacked her arm in response.

"Yes. You should move to Israel."

"It's about dating. Not that I'm dating anyone. We all know that Finn and I are no longer dating and for the sake of the team I broke up with Jesse." Rachel paused to catch their reactions before continuing.

"Let's just say I was dating someone. Let's just say we hypothetically went to a Wiggles concert last Friday night and then because my dad's weren't home we went up and started making out. It was erotic and romantic and then he said 'we should do it'. Then what if he got really crappy and left and didn't even take home the care bear I won him playing skee ball..."

"Will you please stop talking. You're grossing out my baby." Quinn quipped at Rachel and Ruby giggled at the blonde.

"I just want to be ready. I know I'm getting older and these things are going to happen someday but how do I stop a guy from getting mad at me for saying no?"

"Just do what I do and never say no." Santana shrugged.

"Oh totally. What's the worst that can happen? Sorry Quinn." Brittany apologised.

"Ignore them. Look if he likes you, he wont pressure you into anything you don't want to do. Mike and I never slept together but that doesn't mean we didn't do anything..." Ruby trailed off as she felt every set of eyes on her including Mr Schue. "But please don't tell Finn that because he will freak out."  She quickly added before going quiet again.

"Look, girl don't ask me the last person I liked was the mayor of gay town. But I can't wait to get a guy mad for saying no!"

"Artie told me he forgives me for the whole fake stutter but if we wanted to be an item I had to ditch the goth look and wear tighter clothing." Tina said awkwardly.

It was after Tina finished telling her story that Mr Schue carefully approached the group of girls. "I'm sorry to interrupt your little sorority but I couldn't help but overhearing but are you really having that much boy trouble?"

"You wouldn't understand Mr Schue. You're a guy." The girls all nodded in agreement.

"Maybe you should talk to somebody else about it? Like Miss Pillsbury?"  He suggested.

"No I already tried that? It didn't help." Rachel told him as the bell went for next period.

"The fact is that women still earn seventy cents to every dollar that a man does for doing the same job. That attitude starts in high school." Quinn told him before joining Ruby on their way to class and leaving the man stumped.

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