Secrets Secrets Are No Fun

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(Brittany's Pov)

You know that feeling when you feel useless while your whole world crumbles. That feeling that you have no meaning in the world anymore. That one thing that kept you grounded is almost gone.i have that feeling everyday now that the person I love in the world most, could check out any day. I have a secret that Quinn knows and I'm scared she won't be able to keep her fucking mouth shut. I didn't plan on telling Santana until we were official and never for everyone else. She only found out because the hospital called and I was high off of painkillers when she decide to play twenty questions and it came out easily. I didn't want her to know though, nobody is suppose to know an if the roles were switched I would have never said anything and mind my own business.

"Tell her and I'll jump over there and kick your ass myself" i growl and Santana looks shocked.

"Woah, I want me a nerd" Rebekah says and I growl at her.

"Brittany, you have to tell someone" Quinn says.

"No, if I would've never got into a crash that night, you wouldn't have known either"

"Exactly, it took you almost dying for me to find out. Im your best friend, I should have been known" she screams.

"Well, it's not your business to know. if the roles were switched I would have minded my own business and let you do you" I say and she laughs.

"So you would let your friend be wreck less and almost kill herself. You would let your friend, drink like you do on your bad days" she says and I grit my teeth.

"If that what you need in order to cope, then yeah" I say.

"Bullshit" she says and scoff.

"Santana did she ever tell you, how she ended up in the accident" she says looking at Santana.

"Don't" i growl.

"No, but I'm guessing it haves to do with alcohol" she says seriously.

"Yeah it does, but did she tell you the reason behind her drinking alcohol" she says and I start to growl.

"Puck get me a knife" I say.

"No way blondie, so it can look like Freddie was up in this bitch. No thank you" he says.

"Don't worry love, I'll get it for you" Rebekah says and Santana stops her.

"Everyone stop, we came to have fun and be happy and all your doing is being a bitch and a buzz kill. I swear if you tell any of them my secret without my permission, don't call us friends anymore because your not even suppose to know" I say seriously and she gives up.

"You know what fuck it, get wrapped around a tree again and see if I care" she says and leaves slamming the door and Rachel goes after her.

"Now everyone lets have some fun" I yell and everyone cheers except Santana.

We play music while playing drinking games and truth or dare and we're having a blast. I notice that Clair starts getting buzzed and start becoming handsy with Santana.

"Hey sexy" Rebekah says drunk and wobbles over like a penguin.

"Was up" I say laughing at her.

She walks up to me and straddles me and blows on my ear and I shiver.

"We should fuck" she says bluntly and I'm speechless. I mean hell no but I didn't think she could become any more bold than when she was sober but I'm obviously wrong.

I open and close my mouth trying to find the right words and she smirks.

"Cats got your tongue while I prefer my tongue in your cat" she says and Winks getting up. I decide to go upstairs, I can't danced since I'm crippled and Santana should be able to have fun still but hopefully not too much fun.

(Santana's Pov)

I watch as Brittany gets straddles by an obviously drunk Rebekah and see how it plays out. I watch as she gets close to her and whatever she says made her shiver and my blood boils. she says something else and then leave, leaving brittany disgusted. I watch as she climbs the steps and wish I could carry her but she would've argued so I decided against it.

"Hey, relax we all need a little fun" Clair says straddling me and I smile at her.

"Your so right" I say sarcastically but she's too drunk to know it.

"Hey, your girlfriend is perddyyyy" Rebekah slurs.

"I know you ass and what did you say to her" I say.

"Well I said lets fuck and she frowned and was speechless so I said cats got your tongue while I prefer my tongue in your cat" she says and starts laughing and. I smile. Brittany made a disgusted face because of what she said.

"Any Who if I can't have her, I can always settle for you" she says licking my neck up and I pull away.

"No thanks, I'm taken" I say and she scoffs and go mess with puck.

"What a bitch. I mean, she could obviously see that we were going to go fuck" she says smiling and I laugh.

"Okay if you say so" I say.

"God your so sexy and I miss this, I miss us and I want it back. You Santana Lopez are mine and mine only" she says and I smile. This bitch is drunk.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private" she says and I take her upstairs to my room. We open the door to a laid back brittany and I instantly smile.

"You see that" I say pointing at brittany and she turns to see us.

"She's not only my best friend but She's my soulmate and the only girl I'll ever need. Your definition of fun is a quickie, while i rather chill with my girl and watch spongebob and cuddle. Also Im not yours and stop being yours the day you decided to lay on your back and get fucked by my bet friend " I say and she scoffs and leaves

"You didn't have to do that" brittany says smiling.

"I know but I love my nerd and I wanted to show her that no one will ever come between us and I mean it" I say and she smiles. Her secret that she holding onto is bothering me, but if she's not ready to tell then I'll wait.

"I love you too" she whispers before she drifts off to sleep but I hear it and smile.

(Next day)

In so happy. Today is the day that everyone gets the fuck up out of here. Except for my queen of course. I go and see Rebekah getting everything for three trip back home and as soon as I see Clair I walk the other way but she grabs my arm.

"Walk me to the car"

"I don't know" I say annoyed.

"Please" she says and I sigh and nod and we go out front.

"Listen, I'm sorry I was all over you yesterday. I guess I'm not over you yet but I know to keep my distance" she says and I nod.

"You really love her don't you" Clair asks.

"I loved her the first day I met her and once upon a time, I didn't believe in love" I say smiling.

"Do me a favor and hold onto her, any girl would be lucky to have you" she says and walks to the car waiving a bye and just like that, their gone.

I alway fill the void of friendship missing without them but what they did was wrong. I'll forgive them, eventually. Everything is back to order, my friend are okay. Quinn is Quinn again. Brittany is my queen and I'm on top of the world.

'Honk,honk' I hear a car horn and see the devil in disguise. I hear Emily running down the steps and smiling at the sight she sees.

"Well don't just stand their Emily, come give auntie a hug"

Here we go again
A/n: whose ready for Brittanas wedding. I am haha.

For those who don't know the pics up top are glee spoilers and if you look more up, you see their pics and they're beautiful

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