Bring Back San

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(Brittany's Pov)

"What" I say looking at her and I finally see her walls collapse before my eyes. I watch as she starts to fiddle around and look uncomfortable.

"Wen we dated, she forced herself onto me. that's why I never moaned or got aroused by her. I don't do sex because every time I've had it, it was terrible and painful" she says looking everywhere but me.

"How many times" I say and she looked confused.

"How many ones have you really had sex, and don't say with the whole school because that was a lie" I say annoyed that all she's been doing is lying to me. She looks down and shakes her head.

"I don't know"she says crying and I sigh at her answer.


"I think we need to take a break for a couple days. Santana all you've been doing is lying to me and i can't do us, if your not going to be honest" I saying see santana expression change dramatically.

(Santana's Pov)

Do you know that feeling when you feel the air has just been knocked out of you. That's how I feel, although my body feel like it's on fire and I feel six feet under. I finally realized what true love is and now it's leaving. I try to tell her the truth but she just whispers please and she can't even look at me, so I let go and leave without a word. This is why I never wanted to get to know her or anyone. I told her the first week we met to just leave so I can go back to "bad ass" Santana whose the school slut, at least then I didn't feel anything.

I go back over to my house and get some clothes and leave a note to my mom explaining Im leaving for a couple of days. I don't say where but I told her I'm missing a couple weeks of school because I can't take being around everyone without feeling and right now, All I feel is anger and sadness.

I get on the road and just drive and drive and drive until I reach an air port. I finally find a place I know I can stay at. She lives in Miami. I get their after 2 hours and welcome in the sun light. I look at the time and it's almost midnight here but it's still beautiful out. I find the address and knock on the door.

"Santana" she says looking shocked.

"Miss me" I say smiling widely.

"What are you doing here, it's fucking 12:34am" she says and my smile drops and I feel tears come in.

"Just need a break from my life and need to go back to the old Santana" I say and she looks worried.

"I don't think that's a good idea, S" she says but I shrug.

"I don't care, I need to forget" I say while walking in and sitting on the couch.

"Forget what" she says while I grab the joint.

"Everything" I say while taking a hit.

(Brittany's Pov)

It's been a week since anyone last seen Santana and she won't answer anyone's calls. Im starting to worry about her because even her family can't get in touch with her and Im scared that something bad happen to her.

"Brittany, what are you doing" Mrs. Lopez ask as I search through Santana's room.

"I'm looking for anything that could say where she's going" I say while continuing.

"Come down stairs in a minute so we can talk" she says leaving and I bit my lip nervously. After a few minutes of searching , i finally go downstairs and sit at the island in the kitchen while Mrs. Lopez is cooking.

"So brittany, how have you been lately" she says while putting a chicken and broccoli on a plate and placing them in front of me. I politely say thank you and then answer.

"I've been okay" I say quietly.

"So, have you spoken to Santana lately" she says while looking at some magazine on the table.

"No" I say looking down.

"I figured you out of anyone would be the one she would call by now" she says and I sigh.

"Well.....wait. Why makes you think that" I say looking everywhere but her.

"Oh brittany, I know about you too. Santana told me you wanted to tell me but you didn't because your mothers situation" she says and I smile sadly.

"We had an argument. She was lying to me about her past and I felt betrayed" I say while looking down.

"Brittany...if you haven't learned by now, Santana isn't one to hurt other people. She's been through too much pain to hurt other people. What did she lie to you about" she asks and I feel like I'm crossing a line but I want to find her.

"She told me she had sex with the whole school and she was lying about that. Then I found out blake forced herself repeatedly onto her but she lied about that and then when I did ask her for the truth, which was how many people she actually said she didn't know" I say quietly and calm.

"She didn't lie to you, you dumb bitch. She really doesn't know because every time she tries to have sex, she passes out from fear" Emily growls.

"You know, not only did you manage to scare her away but now you've broken her heart. She says that Clair was her first love but I see how you make her glow and light up and I see what you two have or had was love. I know where Santana is, but I swear to god if I tell you and you don't bring her back, I'll kill you with no hesitation" she says and I go wide eye.

"What she means is, what Santana and you had was special and overpowered what santana and Clair had times a thousand. As for the killing, she won't do it. Your the first girlfriend that have actually treated Santana right so you can stay alive haha" Mrs. Lopez says and I smile.

"This is where she lives, bring her back" emily says not even looking at me. I get the address and frown. She's in Florida, what the hell. I drive to the air port and park my car next to Santana's and smile. I get
on the plane and say here goes nothing. I land after two hours and get a taxi to the address. I knock on the house and it's beautiful, not as big as mine but still beautiful. The door opens and I see a blonde girl.

"Can I help you" she says.

"I'm looking for my girlfriend, Santana" I say and she goes from innocent to angry in a second.

"Your the bitch who broke her heart" she says pulling me inside.

"No, were on a break, were not actually broken up" I say.

"Yeah, well look what your "break" did to Santana"

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