Sleeping over Pt 1

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(Brittany's Pov)

"Tell mom Im staying at Brittany's tonight, at least she knows that I'm not trying to get in her pants" then Rachel hung up her phone.

To say I was wrong about Santana on so many levels would be an understatement. I insulted her the first day I met her and now I see her own sister Was even treating her like the enemy. I want to apologize and I want to start fresh with her but I don't know how. I mean Santana always flirts but I never pegged her to like me.

"What are you going to do brittany" Rachel says.

"Not a thing" I say and the elevator door opens showing an almost believable happy Santana but I caught a glimpse of sadness in her eyes.

"Hey beautiful, everyone is tired so I decided to take the first shift and stay the night to help you tonight" she says cheery and it makes me wonder how long has been been since she's let anyone in. She puts on this front of being so tough, when in reality all she feels is pain but never shows it.

"Okay" Is all I say and when on our way to my house. The car ride is silent but not awkward, she's mad at the pack not me.

"We're here" she says and sighs.

"Why don't you give me my crutches while you go set up" I say and I see her wanting to say no but have no more fight in her tonight so she shakes her head and pass me my crutches while she goes in the house.

I start walking or should I say hopping to my room and to say this doesn't hurt would be a lie. My body is on fire meaning my meds wore off and it hurts so much that I stop and almost fall but Santana catches me.

"Thanks" I say quietly.

"You know your cute when your shy" she says and. I immediately start blushing.

"That too" she says and picks me up" but I stifle the pain and suck it up. She takes me to my room and gently put me down on my bed. Shit, I got to get my meds and change into pajamas but I'm in too much pain.

"Santana can you get my meds please and some water" I say quietly and she does it.

What the hell? It's like now that I know she likes me, Im even more quiet than before, like I'm scared I'm going to screw something up. I sit up slowly and painfully as she walk through the door and I take them.

"Take your light pain meds so you can hand wash yourself and change in the bathroom while I go cook dinner and save your chill pills for tonight" she says laughing as she helps me to the dresser. She calls them the chill pills because I get really loud and talkative and friendly like I am when I'm use to someone and I'm always shy around her so that's why she call them chill pills. I don't get it though but I get my clothes and she helps me to the bathroom and respectfully leaves and go down stairs.

(45 minutes later)

That was a struggle and I'm going to be in hell for the next week. I finally get done and hop to my room and see Santana sprawled out exhausted.

"Hey" i say quietly like always.

"You got to speak louder Britt. Im not going to nor ever would hurt you. I've seen you when your comfortable and uncomfortable and I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me" she says faking a smile.

"Okay" I say a little louder.

"Dinners ready" she says and picks me up carrying me down the steps slowly. Im so close I can smell the vanilla on her and I'm loving it. She sits me down and I pout and I think she catches it because she smirks at me.

"W-what" I stutter. good going brittany.

"Nothing, ha ha. Dinner is served" she says and. I see she's made chicken Alfredo.

I take a bite 'ugh this is so fucking delicious'

"Why thank you" she says and I blush.

Shit I wasn't suppose to say that out loud. I moan again and I'm loving this taste.

"Do that again" she says and I frown.


"Moan" she says and smirk while I roll my eyes. I take my "chill pills" and let the second pain killers kick in.

(20 minutes later)

"For dessert, were making ice cream sundaes" she says and goes to the freezer and fridge and pull out all the stuff while I hop over and she looks at me like a mom.

"Mom, I'm crippled not paralyzed" I say

"What ever" she says and starts to make the Sundae we get a relatively big bowl and put in four scoops with hot fudge and whip cream. she pulls out Cherries and sprinkle a couple.

"That's not good enough"i say and she frowns.

"What are we missing.

"This" I say and shoot whip cream down her shirt.

"Now we're peachy" I say and wink and she shocked.

"Brittany" she says and pours fudge down my shirt.

"What the fuck Santana, I just got washed up" I say pissed.

"Chill brittany is back because you don' normally curse around me" she says and smile while shooting whip cream. I instantly start throwing ice cream at her and she dodges left and right but I soon get her and soak her in it. she gets me also, mostly because I'm crippled.

"I'm all sticky and wet because of you" I say.


"Grow up" I say and sigh.

She leaves real quick and come back with two towels.

"Here, the girl I got sticky" she says smiling while handing me two towels.

"You go sit down while I clean up and then we can take a shower" she says and I frown.

"I cant, broken arm and leg remember" I say.

"I'm going to help you shower" she says.

"That doesn't makes senses, you can only help if you get in with me" I say to myself then look up in realization.

"That's what I was pegging at"

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