Delusion Vs. Love Sick

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(Santana's Pov)

To say I'm pissed would be a understatement. As soon as I seen that bitch I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my door waking up a sleepy Britt.

"Sorry babe, the wicked bitch of the west is here and she has a thing for blondes your age. If she so much as look at you the wrong way. Im going to kill her" i growl between my teeth while brittany hops towards me and we stumble into the door.

"I spy the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in the world on me" I say to see her blush.

"Sorry, I can't see without my glasses or contacts" she says and I like her look either way but she does look pretty without the glasses. I bet you if she changed her clothes and acted tougher, she could be a badass like me, but I wouldn't want her. It wouldn't be the real her, so I wouldn't want her. I love my nerd.

"I love you too" she says blushing and I start blushing.

"The delusional lamb falls helplessly for the lion" she says.

"And the love sick lion fell head over heels for the lamb " I say picking her up and placing her on the bed and crawling on top of her.

"Santana, we shouldn't" she says and I laugh.

"Britt, your making it sound like we're going to have sex" I say laughing.

"We almost did yesterday, because neither of us wanted to stop" she whispers.

"Do you think I should change my look" she asks and I shrug,

"You do what you want Britt and I'll be here as long as you don't dress as a bad ass like me, that's already taken" I say start to kiss down her neck and love how she pushes into me. I slide a hand under her shirt to feel rock hard abs and I feel like I'm in fucking heaven. I start to find her sweet spot on her neck and start sucking hard.

"S.San Your going to Fuck, leave a hickey" she moans and I started laughing which made her moan more from the vibrations.

"I want the bitch to know who you belong too" I say as I start to unbuckle her pants.

"Santana, that's not very nice" I hear her voice and growl while she smirks at us.

She looks over at brittany and seems like she's uninterested.

"Whose this" she says looking at a blushing brittany.

"MINE" I growl at her and she smirks.

"Britt, why don't you and Quinn go to the mall and shop for the new look you want before I kill my aunt" I say and brittany glares at me.

"What" I say and earn a slap on the arm.

"Be nice to her Santana, she's family and I want you to come with us" she says begging and I say she can have whatever she wants and I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the car. I pick the back seat and place her on my lap. She immediately cuddles into my neck.

"So why are we going shopping" Quinn asks.

"I want a new look"she says.

"Did Santana force you into this" she says glaring at me.

"No, I want to be a king for my queen and I can only do that, by changing my look" she says and I laugh.

"First Im the dominate one and second, Britt you don't have to change for me" I say and she smiles.

"Yeah, but I want to change my whole style, Can you just support me in my new look please babe" she says and starts making out with my neck.

"Brittany, I don't NO...." I moan loudly as she starts to give me hickeys all up and down my neck.

Bad Girls Need Love Too( brittana fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant