Auntie Wants Your Head On A Stick

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(Brittany's Pov)

I turn around to see Santana covering her mouth with the biggest tears in her eyes and I'm just stuck standing there. I feel bad for all that I put her through.

"Hey" I say looking down.

"Hey. You just basically went on a suicide mission and didn't say goodbye and all you can say is hey" she says inching closer and closer to me.

"You said, the only way you ever forgive me is if I keep your family out of danger and if I stopped lying. So I did the only thing I knew to do, I gave myself to the creep who gave me to your aunt. Luckily Emily came an......"

"Wait, did you just say my aunt" she says with a pissed off look.

"Shit" I whisper. She looks at me and shakes her head and then goes into Emily room.

"Emily, how did you know where brittany was" Santana says pissed.

"Well, I recognized the creep as aunties worker and then when I seen her all over brittany, I knew she wanted brittany and force him to give brittany to her" Emily says sleepily.

"Emily wake up" Santana says.

"NO, go the fuck to bed Santana. It's too early to be up and me and brittany haven't sleep in almost a day" she says and goes back to sleep.

"No Emily wake your...."

I pick Santana up and throw her over my shoulder and walk out and take her to her room.

"Brittany, put me the fuck down. Im not fucking playing Brittany. If you don't put me down, Im......"

"Your gonna do what" I scream and that shuts her up.

I throw her onto the bed and begin to leave.

"Brittany" she says and I turn around.

"I'm sorry" she says looking down and I frown.

"For what" I ask.

"For all the things I said before you left, I didn't mean any of them. What got me upset the most is the fact that you thought I could ever hate you. Also I was upset because Emily was the one who found you and not me" she says looking down. I walk over to the bed and sit on it.

"I forgive you" I say and I see her smile but this is like a true genuine smile.

"Do you wanna watch tv for a little bit" she says looking down. I look at her and she's not making eye contact at all. She's playing with everything and anything in her grasp
Also. I think it's cute that I still make her nervous.

"I don't want to want to watch tv Santana, Im tired and I just want to sleep. However tomorrow, we can watch tv all day if you want" I say and see her instantly slump and say okay with a forced smile.

"Good" I say. She gets up to turn the lights off and I tell her that I got it. I turn out the light and run to my room real quickly. I strip into a bra and panties and grab one of Santana's big t-shirt out of my dresser. I walk back down to Santana's room and climb into bed.

"Emily, get out" she says harshly pushing at my stomach. I immediately tense up at contact and laugh nervously.

"I'm not Emily" I say.

"Brittany" she says stiffening.

"Santana, I'm not gonna bite. Unless you want me to" I say smirking.

"No, I mean yes to you staying. Just don't bite me" she says and I laugh.

"I figured since I want to go to sleep but you want to hang out, we should have a sleep over. Goodnight Santana" I say and turn over. I guess she thought I was sleep, because right before she drifts off, she says goodnight friend and I smile like an idiot.

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