Denial I'snt A Cure

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(Brittany's Pov)

"I'm gonna kill her" she says and starts walking towards her. I quickly grab her and grab her face as a distraction.

"Babe, calm down and look at me" I say and she sighs and look. I want her to look so she knows that it's my way of saying 'this is your safe haven'

"What did I just do, not even an hour ago" I say and she smiles like an idiot.

"Asked me to be your girlfriend" she says and I love that rolling off her tongue. I smile back at her and peck her on the lips as a sample of later.

"Exactly, so don't let her get to you Santana. People are going to always try to break us up because they want what we got but they can't because our bond is stronger than that" I say and I'm worried for Camilla if she keeps this up. I've seen Santana beat the shit out of a guy just for looking at me the wrong way, imagine what she would do to Camilla for flirting.

"Dinners ready" Santana's mom called out.

Everyone arrives at the longest table I've ever seen and everyone from me and my brother and father to Santana and her sister and parents and our friends sit down. I sit down next to Santana and across from her aunt. My brother sits on the side of Camilla while Mrs. Lopez is still fixing everything up.

"What happen to you sitting in my lap, Britt" Camilla says and I keep limited contact with her eyes.

"One you dumb ass bitch, she's MY MOTHER FUCKING GIRLFRIEND. Second, no one calls her Britt except for me and that was what I called her from day one, even when she didn't know me" she says loud and proud and I hold her hand and just smile at her.

"Where's your mommy sweetheart, I want to meet my new mother in law" Camilla says to my brother to piss Santana off.

"She's at home, she doesn't feel well" he says sadly and I hurt for him.

"Awe don't worry little fella, on our wedding I'll meet her" she says smirking at Santana.

"Calm down Santana, she's yours for now but soon she will be mines and you won't do shit about it" she says smirking. I can see Santana wants to say something but her mother beats her to it.

"Dearly beloveds, we are gathered here today to welcome home brittany after a week long of hospital food, she can finally grub and we're glad to see your okay and alive and we all welcome you back in open arms" Santana's mom say and I smile shyly at her.

"I like to say something" Quinn says and I tense.

"Shut the hell up" I say to her to see shocked faces.

"Do anyone know the true reason of why brittany ended up in that accident" Quinn says.

"Quinn" my father says.

"Mr. Pierce, I think the ones who love you the most should know, don't you" she says and I can see that she's only doing this to protect me, but I'm tired of being protected.

"Excuse me, I think I left something at home" I say taking my plate with me and hopping across the street to my house. I walk up to the steps of my parents room and knock lightly until I hear a come in. Even the light in the room is depressing.

"Hey mom" I say and smile sadly at the sight before me.

"Hey honey" she says quietly.

"I bought you some food" I say smiling and she gladly accepts it.

"How you feeling mom" I say praying for one day, she would just say excellent.

"Not to well sweetheart. I have to go to the doctors tomorrow" she says and I hang my head in sadness.

"Hey now, brittany you got to be strong for me sweetheart. I know seeing me like this is hard but you need to know that I love you no matter what happens" she says and I shake my head.

"No, don't say that because you are going to beat this thing and everything's going to go back to the way it was" I say crying. I don't know what's worst. The fact that I have to watch her slowly die or the fact that our family has been keeping this a secret.

"It's time to tell everyone brittany" she says as if she knew what I was thinking.

I hop back over to a infuriated Santana and frown at her.

"What's wrong babe" I say and she calms at my touch.

"She keeps on making sex jokes about you and her that's what's wrong" she says.

"Come on" I say and pull Santana in with me and sit across from Camilla.

"I heard your quite the jokester. let me hear one" I say looking at a smirking devil.

" if you are what you could eat, then I could eat you all night and day" she says and I laugh.

"That's the lamest joke I ever heard. One, sorry ma'am but I don't look at you as a Milf, not even a cougar. Your not even attractive..." who am I kidding she's hot,( she's only 23,24) but her personality blows.

"Second, your going to stop making my girl feel like shit because I love her, not you. Last, you may be able to make see jokes referring to you and me but that's all you will be able to do while me and Santana here will be doing more than using our tongues" I say earning a blush from Santana.

"We will see, now won't we" she says smirking but I ignore her.

I eventually gathered everyone in here and they all took a seat and everything but I choose to stand.

"A lot of you notice that I have started acting different a little before Santana came. I started becoming more quiet, wearing glasses and having the nerdy look and becoming someone Im not because of how much pain I was in..." I say feeling tears coming down my eyes. "I did get into the motorcycle accident but that's because I received a call that my mother had been admitted to the hospital and she received bad news. I left the hospital and raced down the highway, really trying to run away from my problems. Before. I know it, I ran into a truck and should've been killed but wasn't and was grateful for that but my life didn't matter to me anymore. I was lost and I pushed everyone away because I felt like if I didn't say anything then it would go away and it didn't. My mother felt like its time to tell you guys, even though I disagree. my mothers dying and she's dying quickly. She can fight through this, but this isn't her first battle with it so I don't know if she can beat this battle again" I say wiping my eyes constantly.

"What does she have Britt" Santana ask and then staring at me, waiting as if I'm giving her the answers to a test. I watch as everyone is staring at me like that, except my brother and dad and Quinn.

"Cancer, my mom has cancer"

Bad Girls Need Love Too( brittana fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora