Dont Judge The Book By Its Cover

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(Santana's Pov)

I grin like a fool, once she says that she's bisexual.

"Your not getting rid of me, that easily" I say and she just laughs. God, I will never get use to that.

"So what about the bad ass Santana lopez" she says and I'm gasp.

"She curses" I say and get slapped in the arm.

"Ow, ha ha" she sounds super sexy cursing and the way it rolls off her tongue drives me crazy.

"Seriously San, what about you" she says and I smile at the nickname.

"Let's see, Im Santana Lopez and I'm 18 years old but say I'm 17" I say and wink.

"That's not fair" she says and pouts.

"I told you everything their is to know about me and you don't tell me anything" she says now ignoring me.

"Britt, Im boring. I rather get to know about you Mami" I say as I wrap my arm around her waist and she stiffens and I smirk.

"Santana can you please stop playing around for two seconds and just let me know about you. Why do you close up so quickly" she asks curiously.

"I'll tell you if you remember after I tell you about me" I say trying to distract her.

"My name is Santana Lopez and I'm 18 years old. I have a dumb ass twin sister name Emily and I live with my mom and step dad. My dad use to be an Doctor and my Mother is an real estate agent. I got an bike and you can see and I love to read and sing, its a passion of mine."

"I love to dance, only in glee but you already knew that so I didn't include that" she says quietly and blushes.

"I like other stuff like music hits my soul, especially certain artist like Amy whine house, Bob Marley etc. I like to go skating and movies and etc. I like to stay in all day and just have a movie marathon or a sleep over just catch up with an old friend" I say grinning remembering how life use to be until I see Brittany and then I put back back on my mask.

"Anyway, I always grew up in my school as the "bad ass" while my sister is then"popular" I eventually got use to it and stuff with it. I like horror and comedy and I love stuff animals also. Im gay so if you got a problem with that I can go" I say mockingly earning another slap.

"I'm so glad we're already in a hospital, because your abusive" I say while laughing.

(5 hours later)

Brittany was telling me about some damn thing called Tubs aka lord tubbington when everyone walked in

"Hey you guys" Quinn says while the gang walk in and see us and smile.

"What time is it" I say.

"It's 12:00 and visiting hours just open up, how did you get to stay" she says and I frown.

"I told the nurse that she's my fiancé and my parents went along with it also, so she's allowed to stay day and night" she says looking down finding her fingers more interesting while everyone smirks at me and I flip them off.

"Is there something you guys wanted" i say annoyed.

"Brittany, your coming home. The doctor says your allowed to check out as soon as he checks in and then you'll be home for a week and then back to school with a wheel chair and crutches" Quinn says.

"My parents are leaving still aren't they" she asks and I frown.

"Well Britt, it's Saturday and their flight is tonight" kurt says like she's dumb and I glare him down.

"Santana can I talk to you for a second" Rachel says and I get up only for big lips to take my spot.

"What is it" I asked annoyed.

"Brittany parents wanted to say thank you for watching after brittany yesterday and all day today and they say Brittany's lucky to have a friend like you" Rachel says.

"Why couldn't you just te....."

"What are your intentions with brittany" she asks curiously.

"Why" I asked annoyed.

"Just wondering" she says.

"Wonderings what kills the blind" I say and push past her and shove fishy lips to the floor. He looks up and glare at me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you their" I say and lay next to Britt while everyone else have small chitchat.

"Mrs Lopez, you are free to leave" he says while looking at brittany and she blushes.

"Ready" I ask and she blinks at my question. I turn and pick her up and place her in the wheel chair. From head to toe, she has a broken leg, broken arm, splint in her hand and a couple bruised ribs. I start to roll her down to the elevator when Rachel takes her and I frown.

"What the hell" I say pissed off.

"Santana, we need to talk" the group says and emily is there next to them.

"What are your intentions with Brittany" they say looking at me.

I pull out my phone and fake fail a number "hello, it's for all you guys. they're saying got to hell and you can think what you want. just call 1-800 I don't give a fuck" I say trying to walk off.

"Santana, look. People like me and you have a reputation for playing people's heart and quite frankly that's all you've done, what's so different this time" Puck says.

I get it and I'm being judged yet again for liking someone like brittany. Even our closest friends and sister judge me because a "bad ass" and she's a "nerd" and I'm sick of it.

"How long have you known me" I ask quietly.

"Three weeks, maybe for" he says.

"Yea and people like "you and me" would have slept with at least three girls a week. You want to know how many girls i slept with" I say and they all look up.

"None" I look at my sister.

"It was suppose to be a fresh start, I kept my end of the deal, but you havent" I said.


"NO, your still judging me and treating me like I'm the bad guy when I have changed and were blood. Your suppose to be on my side and your not" I say pissed off.

"Want to know what's so different about Brittany Pierce than any other girl. You want to know why even though I'm the bad ass and even though she's the nerd, why I still want her" I say gaining all their attention.

I pull out my phone and fake fail again" it for you, it's saying your not worthy of knowing the answer"


"NO FUCK ALL OF YOU. Your just like everyone else" I say as I walk away.

"Tell mom Im staying with Brittany tonight, at least she will understand
That Im not just trying to get in her pants"

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