Bad Move Britt

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(Brittany's Pov)

It's been two weeks since we got here and Santana's been doing all she can to avoid me. I feel like I screwed up. I keep trying to do anything I can to get her to be my friend again, but she won't listen. She's mad at me for putting her family in danger and for lying. Before we became friends, I did anything and everything I could to to keep her away. Then I finally became friends with her and loved it. Now that she's gone, I feel tortured and empty. Tortured because she's right in front of me and I can't do anything to fix this. I feel empty because, well I don't know that part. I know what I have to do to fix this.
(A week later)
Santana and Emily are miserable and fearful all the time since they never contact their mother. We had to cut off all communications with the outside world and even though it's heaven for us, it's like hell for them. I keep trying to talk to her but she grows angrier with me, more and more as each day pass.

"Santana" I say trying to talk to her.

"Leave me alone brittany" she says coldly.

"Santana like sorry, just give me another chance" I say and she stops in her tracks and scoff as she shakes her head.

"I've had troubles in the past because of people lying to me and the you know how I am about this subject because I told you. I told you a lot and then this blows up in my face, I don't think so. We're never gonna be cool until I see that my family is safe and you stop being a liar" She says harshly and walk off.

I go into my room and write letter for each person , saying how much they meaned to me and how much I love them and then got dressed into some jeans and a hoodie.

"Well, isn't this a surprise" he says through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm willing to make a deal with you" I say and wait for his reply.

"Careful sweetheart. Didn't mommy ever tell you, never make a deal with the devil" he says and laugh.

"I'm willing to give myself up, if you leave everyone else family and friends alone" I say and his laughter stops.

"No tricks, little on" he says.

"No tricks, I know where I'm not wanted and if it will keep my loved ones safe, then I'll stay with you" I say.

"Deal" he says and I can picture him smirking.


I wait until everyone's sleep to pass out he letters and put it on their nightstands. when I reach Santana's room, it finally clicks why the emptiness is there.

"Brittany what are you doing" she says sleepily.

"Nothing I just placed a letter on your desk that I want you to read" I say as I walk to the door. I turn around one last time as tears clouds my eyes.

"Goodbye Santana, I hope we can be friends now" I whisper and shut the door.

I take what I'm left with and drive to the airport were I rent a jet, since they can use the jet to get home safely now. I get on the jet and put in the coordinates that he gave me. I can't believe I'm doing this, but how far would you go to protect someone you love.

(4 hours later)

I get off the plane and drive to his house. One thing for sure is that he's loaded. I walk up to the door and knock and I'm immediately greeted by his face.

"Brittany darling, come in" he says and I do as he say but keep my distance.

"There has been a change of plans darling" he says and I frown.

"We made a deal Dylan" I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh no, your family and friends aren't going to be touched and are safe. However, my boss has had her eye on you for a while and says that she wants you. So I decided to be generous and instead of kill you, hunt you down so I could give you to her for her birthday" he says and I feel disgusted. They act like I'm a present.

I hear the sound of heels click but ignore it.

"Brittany, I believe you have met my boss already" he says and look past me. I turn around and I don't fucking believe it.

"Close your mouth dear, it's not nice to stare. Tonight you get to rest up, because you'll need all your strength for tomorrow" she says and winks.

I'm in deep shit.

(Santana's Pov)

I wake up to the sound of yelling and smashing and see everyone flustered or upset. I see Quinn yelling and screaming at everyone.

"What's going on" I say and Quinn turns towards me.

"Brittany's gone" she says annoyed.

When she says that, my whole body stiffens. I run into my room and look for anything that I could use to see where she went. I see a letter by brittany and open it.

Dear Santana,

When I first met you, I wanted nothing to do with you. But you serenaded me by knowing literature and decided to give our friendship a chance and man I'm glad I did. I loved knowing and being friends with you for the past month and three weeks. But all good things must come to an end. Im so sorry for hurting you and hope we can be friends, now that he promised not to hurt you or your family. Im sorry for lying, it wasn't cool of me and you don't have to worry about me lying ever again. I finally realized that I do have feelings for you. I just realized too late. Have a good life and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
                     Yours forever, Brittany.

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