Damn it Felt So Real

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"Well what the fuck do we do now" Pick says and I'm too shocked to speak.

"What do we do Santana" she says and looks at me. Why are they choosing me as the spokes person.

"I-I don't know Britt" I say and it's over.

"We got to make up a plan or were going to die" Quinn whispers to herself.

"It's over Unless you come up with something"brittany says an They all look at me.

"Why the fuck are you all making me in charge" I say getting angry.

"Nobody told you" Emily questions.

"You don't know do you" Quinn says amazed.

"I'm amazed at all the effort you put into this and now you don't even remember" Mike says bluntly.

"Nah, or she wouldn't have gone through all that trouble back their" kurt says.

"Will somebody please stop fucking playing hot potato with hints and tell me" I say annoyed.

Brittany walks up to me and she's crying.

"Santana, I want you to remember this feeling that we have and that your the perfect girl for me. Fight for me and I'll fall for you" she says.

"Why are you talking as if this is goodbye" I say crying.

"Because it is" she says and I instantly snap awake.

I look around to see me in this old worn out chair and brittany laying in the hospital bed and I instantly wonder how long I've been
out. Its midnight and the 20th so I've been out all day. That dream felt so surreal. The emotions, The feelings everything. I was about to start crying when brittany woke up looking at me with her dorky glasses.

"Hey, your finally awake" she says quietly.

"How long have I been out" I say and she says about a day.

"Why are you in the hospital again" I say and she looks at me funny.

"I had an motorcycle accident, will be back to school in a week" she says.

"I'll make sure to bring your homework, help you and come by everyday" I say.

"Why, we've only known each other for two weeks but barley talk. I could be a mobs daughter for all that you know" she says laughing.

"Haha that's not funny" i say.

"You got to admit, you wish it was true" she says.

"I use to and then I seen the reality you have to face and changed my mind" I say and she was like your right.

"So, i didn't know you ride a bike" i say smiling at her.

"There's a lot you don't know about me" she says quietly.

"Well I think, we should fix that, do you gorgeous" I say and she blushes.

"I will never understand, why you will like me of all people" she says and I frown at that.

"Because your beautiful inside and out. I don't care what people think of us,when they see a stereotypical nerd and badass together. You want to know what i see when I see you" I say.

"What" she says quietly.

"I see a one of a kind personality. I see a person who brain works different but uses it to her advantage. Brittany, even though we don't talk all the time. I listen and watch how you are and you make it your job to light up people's day and your the most positive person I know. I envy and adore you Brittany Pierce and that is why, I want
To get to know you" I say and get up slowly to see if she would object and climb into the bed with her.

"So, who is brittany Pierce, not "nerdy" but the real brittany " I say and she just smiles and looks down.

"My name is Brittany Susan Pierce, Im 17 and a senior. I live with my mother and father who are extremely close to me. My mother is an fashion designer, while my dad is in charge of an CEO company. I have a little brother name jake and he's 6 and adorable as ever. I love to read, write and work on my bike when I'm alone. I like to go to the movies and bowl and skate and just hangout with friends. i had always been proclaimed as an nerd since first grade and get picked on about it every now and then but it goes away naturally. I love stuff animals and romance and have horror and love sweets. Last Im bisexual and if you have a problem with that, don't let the door hit you on the way out"

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