I'll Kill If I Have To

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(Brittany's Pov)

I follow Dani's line of gaze and I frown at what I see. I see Santana's either sleep or passed out on the couch with bruises from head to toe. I look at Dani and if she think she's pissed, well she got another thing coming. I grab her by the shirt and slam her against the wall.

"Why did you do" I say low and slowly. I watch as she think and something clicks in her head. She tries to get out of my grip but I won't let her.

"Don't Try to play hero. Your the reason she went back to that shit in the first place and second, she's a grown ass women who can make decisions for herself. Even if I did tell her one thing, she just does the other" she growls and I re slam her against the wall.

"No, it just mean you didn't try hard enough. If I find out that you had anything to do with this, I will kill you" i say growling at her.

"You can't kill the messenger or the best friend" she says in a ha ha tone.

"She has twelve actual friends back up North. Missing one won't really do justice, now will it" I say evilly smirking at her. I watch her face go from smiley to pale in a second and want to laugh but keep my cool

"Now, what happened" I say and she doesn't speak.

"Maybe you need a little influence to help you out on your speaking" I say and drag her to the kitchen while she screams Santana name but I think she's passed out so she can't help her.

"A lot of crazy shit has been happening up north and Santana has been the only good in my miserable life lately. So if you don't start talking, I'll make sure to add one more thing on the list" I growl with so much hate and anger. She literally held the door open for Santana to walk through it and do God knows what and now she expect us to be buddy buddies. I start to pull out a knife and hold it to her finger when I freeze.

"Brittany, don't" she says. However, how she says it isn't in a strong stern Santana Lopez command. She says it in more of a weak and really tired way. I drop the knife and hear it hit the floor and see Dani back up slowly. I close my eyes as I hear her struggle to come where I am and it breaks my heart. I try my hardest to keep it all in. I hold onto the last bit of humanity in order to stay where I am instead of ripping Dani's fucking head off. i mean, yeah i did drive her away but dani had the door wide open for her.

"open your eyes" she says and I shake my head no. I can't do it. Hearing her makes me want to kill the person who did this, if I open my eyes I will kill whoever did this.

"Baby, please" she says in a crying voice and I shake my head no, I can't.

"Santana, Im barley able to keep my calm. If I see actually see you with my eyes, I will kill whoever did this too you. I can't, I just can't" I say and hear her sigh in relief and frown.

"I thought you were mad me still" she says and I smile.

"I could never be mad at you San. You are the only exception to getting away with any and everything" I say and hear her laugh.

"Why did you come here" she ask curiously.

"I came to get my girlfriend back" I say in a 'duh' way and hear her laugh which makes me laugh.

"I can never get used to that laugh, but I don't want to" I hear her say and I start blushing. I can feel her biting her lip. She bites it every time she's nervous including my blush and I can't resist not to see it. I open my eyes to her biting her lip and I subconsciously bite mine. I see her lean closer and I eagerly do the same. I kiss her and Its perfect. I never met a kiss so quickly yet patiently and it feels like forever since I last kiss her. I break the kiss and see her frown.

"Just to make it clear your my girl again right?" I say and see her laugh.

"I never stopped Britt" is all she say before she kisses me again. She starts to kiss me harder and quicker and I feel every kiss shoot down to my core.  She put her hand up my shirt and I go stiff.

"Excuse me, this is my house and no sex allowed" Dani says.

"Rules are rules" I say and see Santana frown at my words.

"What wrong" she says.

"Nothing" just you have been raped for the past God knows how long and I don't want you to think I'm like any of them. that's all that's wrong, I think to myself.

"You sure"she says but I frown at her face and look over her body.

"Stop looking" Santana says quietly and see her looking down.

"Who did this to you" I say and see Santana stiff.

"Who" I yell.

"It's not important Britt. All that matters is that I got you and that we're back together" she says and kisses me.

"Santana you don't get it. Your all that I have left basically. My father is a damn wreck. My brother is confused and in denial. The glee club have their own problems and through all the shit we've been through, I've had you. Yesterday or whatever day, someone got super close from taking that from me and Im pissed and I want to know who. Who would be stupid enough to try to take you away from me. I don't give a damn if it's a boy girl a fucking cop, who is the one responsible for hurting you" I growl and see her shake her head no.

"Leave it alone" Santana says and leaves. As soon as se does, I pick up a plate and throw it at the wall.

"You really want to know don't you" Dani says looking at me ask if she's considering.

"With every bone in my body" I say pissed off and ready to fight.

"You don't look like a fighter" she says.

"You'll be surprised what I'm capable of" I say and see her smirk.

"Does Santana know about this surprise" she ask and I nod my head.

"Come here" she says and I look at her like she's a perv.

"I'm not going to rape you, you ass. You want the info or not" she says writing it down. She hands me the paper and I drive to the address to find the dickhead.

I pull up to the address and put on my nicest face. I knock on the door and some girl answers it.

"Hi, I'm looking for......"

"Whose at the door" a Man voice booms and I smirk.

"Just some girl" she says as I push her to the side to see its just them two home.

"Who the hell are you" he asks caught off guard.

"My question is who are you" I say and see him look at lead of Im retarted.

"Dave karofsky" he says and I close the door and lock it. I turn around to see him looking alarmed and I smile a little bit.

"Let's play a little game"

Bad Girls Need Love Too( brittana fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz