Flat Line

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"Time of death 11:42." I sighed, watching the buzzing flat lines on the monitor. I wish I knew where we went when we died a second time. Did we get a second chance to go to Heaven? Did we just go to double Hell? Or was there just nothing at all?

"Have one of the interns tell the family what happened," I ordered, storming out of the OR. It was a routine procedure gone bad. It had been something I had done before and because of that, I was pissed. I could try to blame the slow intern or the tools...but at the end of the day, I had been the captain of that ship. And that ship had sunk. 

I went through the routine of washing up without even thinking about it. What I wanted was to finish up my rounds and get the hell out of this hospital before someone else flatlined. I really really hated that sound. 

"Doctor (L/N)," A bright eyed intern had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the right time, "Anything I can help with?"

"Actually yes," I replied, handing a stack of patient files over to them, "I'm already ten hours into overtime and really don't need the board up my ass about it. Finish these rounds and try to avoid the overtime yourself. I need a drink right about now."

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