Planning My Own Funeral...Or Not.

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I took the next day off. Since the bar was frequented by over half the hospital staff, I'm sure they assumed I was getting my funeral arrangements together. After all, I had screamed at one of the most powerful overlords in all of Hell. What else could they think was going on?

Instead of planning my own funeral, I opted for day drinking in my sweat pants. Armed with a bottle of whiskey, I sat on my couch with my feet propped on the coffee table watching daytime TV. It was depressingly least until there was a knock on the door.


"Have you come to put me out of my misery?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe.

Alastor grinned, taking in my disheveled appearance, "It's a wonder they let you cut people open for a living. Tell me, would giving you the opportunity to scream at me again make you put down the bottle?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head like an attitude filled teenager, "I meant every word of it."

This only seemed to amuse Alastor even more, "Not many people would scream at an overlord, let alone in public. It's oddly refreshing."

"Alastor, what do you want?" I asked, "I'm missing my show."

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