More and More Attractive

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Alastor took me to his antique, but well maintained, home on the northern end of the Pentagram. I had no idea what I had been expecting, but it was still surprising. 

"I had envisioned cobwebs and a padlocked basement," I teased as he led me into the foyer. The inside was just as vintage as the outside, but inviting. To be honest, it looked like one of those historical houses they gave tours of. I had been through one once around Christmas-time. They had it decked out in the prettiest antique decorations. I wondered if Alastor's house would look similar. 

"I hope you're hungry," Alastor said, leading me back towards the kitchen. 

Before he started cooking, Alastor poured me a glass of wine. I sipped the sweet white vintage while I watched him prepare our dinner. It may have been the wine talking, but it was oddly arousing watching him cook. 

"This is my Mother's recipe," He explained as he worked, launching into a story about her teaching him how to cook when he was little. This only made him more attractive in my mind. 

"I hope you're hungry," Alastor grinned, turning off the stove. 

I set down my glass of wine and gave him the most seductive smile I could muster, "I could stand to work up an appetite." 

Between the Tires and the Road | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now